Where to seek help if you've experienced workplace sexual harassment
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This page was first created in March, 2022
Workers who have experienced workplace sexual harassment need clear, up-to-date, relevant and easily accessible information to help them come to terms with their experiences and to enforce their rights.
If a worker has experienced workplace sexual harassment, there are a range of options that may be available to them to address that behaviour. For example, they can report the behaviour directly to their supervisor or human resources area at work, with their employer or workplace determining how the matter will be handled.
Alternatively, the worker may choose to have the matter handled by someone outside of their workplace. For example, they may decide to use an external pathway, such as making a formal complaint about the workplace sexual harassment to an external agency.
Please note, the information provided is of a general nature only. Much of it has been summarised and is therefore not an exhaustive statement of the law or the jurisdictions and functions of the external avenues mentioned. For more information about each of these external avenues and their relevant jurisdictions, you can go to the external pathways pages and download national and/or state/territory guides.
Understanding your options
If you have experienced workplace sexual harassment, there may be several options available to you to seek help depending on your individual circumstances. For example, you may be able to:
- Seek support, advice and advocacy from a range of different services, such as legal assistance and mental health and well-being support services.
- Lodge a sexual harassment complaint with an anti-discrimination or human rights body.
- Lodge an application in relation to a stop sexual harassment order (or a stop bullying and sexual harassment order), general protections, unlawful termination or unfair dismissal with the Fair Work Commission.
- Lodge an application with a state industrial relations body if you have been unfairly dismissed because of the workplace sexual harassment or, in Western Australia specifically, apply for an order to stop bullying or sexual harassment.
- Lodge a workers’ compensation claim with your employer or through a workers’ compensation organisation if the workplace sexual harassment has caused you physical or mental injury or illness.
- Report the workplace sexual harassment as a work health and safety (WHS) issue to a WHS regulator.
- Report the workplace sexual harassment to police if you believe criminal conduct has occurred.
Quick reference guides
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission investigates and resolves complaints of discrimination and breaches of human rights, including complaints of sexual harassment under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth).
- Website: humanrights.gov.au
- Email: infoservice@humanrights.gov.au
- National Information Service: 1300 656 419
As the national work health and safety (WHS) and workers’ compensation authority, Comcare’s legislated functions include securing the health and safety of workers and workplaces. Comcare has a workers’ compensation role in respect of workplace sexual harassment where that conduct has resulted in an injury or illness to the worker.
Comcare administers the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth) and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 (Cth) and is the national regulator for WHS in the Commonwealth jurisdiction.
Comcare has regulatory functions and powers, including to enforce compliance with WHS laws. This includes in respect of workplace sexual harassment where the alleged conduct constitutes a WHS risk to workers.
- Website: www.fwc.gov.au
- Email: general.enquiries@comcare.gov.au or whs.help@comcare.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 366 979
- Mail: GPO Box 9905,
Canberra, ACT 2601 - Online enquiry form
- Translation and interpreter service: 13 14 50
- Teletypewriter (TTY) users call 133 677 and ask for 1300 366 979
- Speak and Listen users call 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 366 979
- Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service (NRS) and ask for 1300 366 979
- SMS relay users call 0423 677 767 and ask for 1300 366 979
Fair work Commission
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) is Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal, established by the Fair Work Act. The FWC may be able to assist in workplace sexual harassment matters where sexual harassment is relevant to an application lodged in respect of:
- an order to stop sexual harassment or an order to stop bullying and sexual harassment (stop sexual harassment order)
- general protections
- unlawful termination
- unfair dismissal
- Website: www.fwc.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 799 675
- Online enquiry form
- Language help for non-English speakers
Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman can provide employees and employers with general information about protections from sexual harassment, prevention and managing sexual harassment in the workplace.
- Website: www.fairwork.gov.au
- Phone: 13 13 94
- Mail: Fair Work Ombudsman, GPO Box 9887, insert your capital city and state/territory
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States and territories
Australian Capital Territory
ACT Human Rights Commission
The ACT Human Rights Commission can investigate and conciliate complaints about discrimination. This includes complaints of sexual harassment under Part 5 of the Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT).
- Website: hrc.act.gov.au
- Email: human.rights@act.gov.au
- Phone: (02) 6205 2222
- Enquiries: https://hrc.act.gov.au/contact-us
WorkSafe ACT
WorkSafe ACT (WSACT) is the WHS and workers’ compensation regulator in the ACT. WSACT’s functions include monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (ACT).
In the ACT, workers’ compensation is not run by the ACT Government and is instead privately-owned and operated with insurers approved by WSACT offering workers’ compensation coverage to employers in the ACT.
- Website: www.worksafe.act.gov.au
- Email: worksafe@worksafe.act.gov.au
- Mail: PO Box 158, Canberra ACT 2601
- Phone: 13 22 81
- Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS): 13 14 50
- If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, call 13 36 77 and ask for 13 22 81 or visit www.relayservice.gov.au to make an internet relay or captioned relay call
- Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 13 22 81
- Internet relay users connect to the NRS and ask for 13 22 81
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New South Wales
Anti-Discrimination NSW
Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) handles complaints of discrimination covered by the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), which includes complaints of sexual harassment. ADNSW assist parties to a complaint to find a way of resolving the matter according to the law.
- Website: antidiscrimination.nsw.gov.au
- Email: complaintsadb@justice.nsw.gov.au
- Phone: (02) 9268 5555 or 1800 670 812
- Mail: Locked Bag 5000, Parramatta NSW 2124
icare NSW
iicare is a NSW government agency which provides workers’ compensation insurance to many public and private sector employers in NSW and their workers.
- Website: www.icare.nsw.gov.au
- Email: piclaims@icare.nsw.gov.au
- Phone: 13 77 22
- Mail: GPO Box 4052, Sydney NSW 2001
Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales
The Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales is established under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) with conciliation and arbitral functions, including deciding claims of unfair dismissal.
- Website: www.irc.justice.nsw.gov.au
- Phone: 02 8688 3516
- Interpreter Service: 131 450
- Mail: PO Box 927, Parramatta NSW 2124
- Physical address: Level 10, 10-14 Smith Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
SafeWork NSW
SafeWork NSW is the WHS regulator in NSW. SafeWork NSW provides advice to workers, workplaces and the general community about workplace safety.
- Website: worksafe.nt.gov.au
- Phone: 13 10 50
- Mail: Locked Bag 2906, Lisarow NSW 2252
- Voice calls or TTY call 133 677 and ask for 13 10 50
- Speak and listen service call 1300 555 727 and ask for 13 10 50
- SMS relay service on 0423 677 767 and type 13 10 50
- Make an internet relay call and type 13 10 50
- ‘Speak Up’ anonymous reporting
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Northern Territory
Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission
The Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission (NTADC) aims to eliminate discrimination by raising awareness about individual’s rights and responsibilities under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1992(NT). The NTADC assesses, evaluates and conciliates complaints of discrimination, including in relation to workplace sexual harassment.
- Website: adc.nt.gov.au
- Email: antidiscrimination@nt.gov.au
- Phone: 1800 813 846
- Mail: LMB 22, GPO Darwin NT 0801
- Physical address: Level 9, 22 Mitchell Street, Darwin NT 0800
- Interpreter services
NT WorkSafe
NT WorkSafe is a division under the Department of Attorney-General and Justice responsible for WHS regulation and workers’ compensation in the NT.
Workers’ compensation in the NT is a privately underwritten scheme in which approved insurers and self-insurers carry the financial risk and are responsible for managing the workers’ compensation claims process.
- Website: worksafe.nt.gov.au
- Email: datantworksafe@nt.gov.au
- Mail: Locked Bag 2906, Lisarow NSW 2252
- Phone: 1800 250 713
- Voice calls or teletypewriter (TTY) call 133 677 and ask for 13 10 50
- Speak and listen service call 1300 555 727 and ask for 13 10 50
- SMS relay service on 0423 677 767 and type 13 10 50
- Make an internet relay call and type 13 10 50
- ‘Speak Up’ anonymous reporting
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Queensland Human Rights Commission
The Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC) is an independent statutory body established under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld). The QHRC handles complaints about discrimination, vilification, victimisation and sexual harassment under that Act.
- Website: www.qhrc.qld.gov.au
- Email: enquiries@qhrc.qld.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 130 670
- For TTY users, phone 133 677 and ask for 1300 130 670
- For Speak & Listen users, phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 130 670
- For Internet Relay users, connect to the National Relay Service and ask for 1300 130 670
Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) is an independent tribunal established under the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (Qld). The QIRC’s functions include hearing work-related complaints of alleged unlawful discrimination, including workplace sexual harassment, referred by the Queensland Human Rights Commission, and deciding general protections and unfair dismissal claims.
- Website: www.qirc.qld.gov.au
- Email: qirc.registry@qirc.qld.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 592 987
- Mail: GPO Box 373, Brisbane Qld 4001
- Physical address: Level 21, Central Plaza 2, 66 Eagle St, Brisbane Qld 4001
WorkCover Queensland
WorkCover Queensland provides workers’ compensation insurance to Queensland businesses and workers.
- Website: www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/about/who-we-are/workcover-queensland
- Phone: 1300 362 128
- Mail: GPO Box 2459, Brisbane Qld 4001
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) is the WHS regulator in Queensland. WHSQ’s functions include securing and monitoring compliance with WHS duties using enforcement options, investigating WHS incidents and complaints and providing information to stakeholders on managing work health and safety risks.
- Website: www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/about/who-we-are/workplace-health-and-safety-queensland
- Phone: 1300 362 128
- Mail: GPO Box 69, Brisbane Qld 4001
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South Australia
Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity, South Australia
The South Australian Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity (OCEO) is responsible for preventing certain kinds of discrimination based on sex, race, disability, age or various other grounds. Under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), the OCEO can help people resolve discrimination, sexual harassment or victimisation complaints.
- Website: www.equalopportunity.sa.gov.au
- Email: OCEO@sa.gov.au
- Mail: GPO Box 464, Adelaide SA 5001
- Phone: (08) 7322 7070
- TTY: phone 133 677 and ask for AGD on 1800 177 076
- Speak and Listen: phone 1300 555 727 and ask for AGD on 1800 177 076
- Internet Relay: connect to the National Relay Service and ask for AGD on 1800 177 076
- Online enquiries form
ReturnToWork SA
ReturnToWork SA (RTWSA) is responsible for providing work injury insurance and regulating the South Australian Return to Work scheme. RTWSA provides insurance to protect SA businesses and their workers in the event of a work injury and to support recovery and return to work. Crown and self-insured employers are also a significant part of the Return to Work Scheme and they have direct responsibility and management of work injury claims in their workplaces.
- Website: www.rtwsa.com
- Email: info@rtwsa.com
- Phone: 13 18 55
- Physical address: 400 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Australia
- General enquiry online form
SafeWork SA
SafeWork SA is the WHS regulator in SA. SafeWork SA investigates workplace incidents and enforces WHS laws in SA.
- Website: www.safework.sa.gov.au
- Email: help.safework@sa.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 365 255
- Mail: GPO Box 465, Adelaide, SA 5001
- Online enquiry form
South Australian Employment Tribunal
The South Australian Employment Tribunal is a statutory independent tribunal that resolves workplace-related disputes and issues, including deciding claims of unfair dismissal.
- Website: www.saet.sa.gov.au
- Email: saet@sa.gov.au
- Phone: (08) 8207 0999
- Mail: PO Box 3636, Rundle Mall SA 5000
- Physical address: Level 6 Riverside Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
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Equal Opportunity Tasmania
Equal Opportunity Tasmania (EOT) aims to foster a society free of discrimination, prejudice, bias and prohibited conduct by administering the Anti-Discrimination Act 1998 (Tas). EOT investigates complaints of discrimination, including in respect of workplace sexual harassment.
- Website: equalopportunity.tas.gov.au
- Email: office@equalopportunity.tas.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 305 062
- Text message: 0409 401 083
- Post: GPO Box 197, Hobart TAS 7001
- Physical address: Level 1, 54 Victoria Street, Hobart Tasmania 7000
- Online enquiry form
Tasmanian Industrial Commission
The Tasmanian Industrial Commission (TIC) is the industrial tribunal for Tasmania established under the Industrial Relations Act 1984 (Tas). The TIC’s role is predominately related to the Tasmanian State Service and is to conciliate and arbitrate to resolve industrial disputes, including claims of unfair dismissal.
- Website: www.tic.tas.gov.au
- Email: tic@justice.tas.gov.au
- Phone: (03) 6165 6770
- Mail: GPO Box 1108, Hobart TAS 7001
- Physical address: Level 7, NAB House, 86 Collins Street, Hobart TAS 7000
WorkSafe Tasmania
In Tasmania, workers’ compensation is a privately underwritten scheme in which approved insurers and self-insurers are responsible for managing the workers’ compensation claims process.
The WorkCover Tasmania Board (the Board) provides advice to the relevant Minister on Tasmania’s workers’ compensation scheme and monitors the effectiveness of the Scheme (among other functions). WorkSafe Tasmania manages the workers’ compensation scheme on behalf of the Board.
- Website: worksafe.tas.gov.au (WHS) or worksafe.tas.gov.au/topics/compensation (workers’ compensation)
- Email: wstinfo@justice.tas.gov.au
- Mail: PO Box 56, Rosny Park Tas 7018
- Phone: 1300 366 322 (inside Tasmania) or (03) 6166 4600 (outside Tasmania)
- Speak and Listen users: Phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 135 513
- TTY users: Phone 133 677 and ask for 1300 135 513
- Internet relay users: connect to the National Relay Service (NRS) and ask for 1300 135 513
- Online enquiry form
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Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is an independent organisation which assists Victorians to resolve discrimination complaints, including in respect of workplace sexual harassment.
- Website: www.humanrights.vic.gov.au
- Email: enquiries@veohrc.vic.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 292 153
- Physical address: Level 3, 204 Lygon Street, Carlton Vic 3053
- Speak and Listen users can phone the National Relay Service on 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 292 153.
WorkSafe Victoria
WorkSafe Victoria (WSV) is the WHS regulator in Victoria and is responsible for workers' compensation and the rehabilitation of injured workers in Victoria under the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic) and the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic). To ensure safer workplaces, WSV conducts inspections, campaigns, education programs, targeted interventions, guidance, warnings, enforcement and prosecutions.
- Website: www.worksafe.vic.gov.au
- Mail or in person: 1 Malop Street, Geelong VIC 3220
- Phone: 1800 136 089
- Translation and interpreting service form
- National relay service: 1300 555 727
- Online enquiry form
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Western Australia
Western Australian Equal Opportunity Commission
The Western Australian Equal Opportunity Commission (WAEOC) is responsible for the administration of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA). The WAEOC investigates and conciliates complaints of discrimination, including in respect of workplace sexual harassment.
- Website: www.wa.gov.au/organisation/equal-opportunity-commission
- Translated versions of the Website: www.wa.gov.au/organisation/equal-opportunity-commission
- Email: eoc@eoc.wa.gov.au
- Phone: 1800 198 149
- Physical address: Albert Facey House, 469 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000
Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission
The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) is an independent tribunal established under the Industrial Relations Act 1979 (WA) that deals with industrial matters in the state of Western Australia.
The WAIRC aims to prevent and settle industrial or employment disputes, including in relation to workplace sexual harassment, by assisting the parties in dispute through a conciliation process to reach an agreement. If the dispute cannot be resolved by agreement, the WAIRC may arbitrate the matter by hearing and make a binding ruling.
- Website: www.wairc.wa.gov.au
- Phone: (08) 9420 4444
- Mail: Locked Bag 1, Cloisters Square, Perth WA 6850
- Online enquiry form (scroll to the bottom of the webpage)
WorkCover WA
WorkCover WA is the government agency responsible for regulating and administrating the workers’ compensation scheme in WA under the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA).
- Website: www.workcover.wa.gov.au
- Phone: 1300 794 744
- Mail or in person: 2 Bedbrook Place, Shenton Park WA 6008
- Online enquiry
WorkSafe WA
WorkSafe WA is the WHS regulator in WA.
- Website: www.commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe
- Phone: 1300 307 877
- Email: wscallcentre@dmirs.wa.gov.au
- Mail: Locked Bag 100, East Perth WA 6892
- Physical address: Mason Bird Building, 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington WA 6107
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