Disability Rights
The value of human rights
Everyone has the right to be safe and free from discrimination, regardless of disability. The foundation of a fair and inclusive society, human rights recognise the inherent value of each person. No matter who we are, or what our situations are, we all have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. Learn more about human rights.
Disability rights, discrimination and complaints
Understand the Disability Discrimination Act, and how to take action against discrimination.

Know your disability rights
Disability rights ensure the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms of people with disability. They protect against discrimination and include the right to equality, participation and inclusion in society, autonomy and accessibility.

The Disability Discrimination Act
The Disability Discrimination Act helps people with disability and everyone else. On the playing field and at work, at home, on public transport, online, shopping or at a festival, the Act protects, supports, and benefits us all.

About making a complaint
The Disability Discrimination Act allows you to make a complaint and get fair treatment at work, school, home, public places or accessing services and products.
Resources, guidelines and projects
Tools, guides and initiatives for people with disability, and anyone wanting to make meaningful change.

We issue (non-legally binding) guidance and advice to assist people and organisations to avoid discrimination and meet their responsibilities under the legislation.

Disability Rights Training
Gain a deeper awareness of disability rights, and useful inclusion strategies and tools in the workplace and daily life.

Resources for job-seekers and employees
We've put together a collection of tools and resources for people with disability seeking employment, progressing their career or thinking about self-employment.

Resources for employers
Explore our tools and resources to increase meaningful opportunities for people with disability, and close the gap in workforce participation.

IncludeAbility: Equality at work
The IncludeAbility initiative supports people with disability seeking employment, developing a career or thinking about self-employment, and employers who want to create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability.

Disability publications
Search or browse our comprehensive collection of reports, brochures and factsheets relating to disability.

Standards & Guidelines
The Disability Discrimination Act is supplemented by a series of (legally binding) Disability Standards and Guidelines. These provide more detail on rights and responsibilities about equal access and opportunity for people with a disability.

Disability Action Plans
'DAP's encourage, recognise and promote a commitment to stopping disability discrimination, as well as promoting the recognition of rights for people with disability.

Accessible Housing Project
The Accessible Housing Project aims to address the gap between the limited supply of accessible housing, and the demand that exists from people with disability.

Statistics and factsheets
Find statistics and factsheets on disability rights in Australia.