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14 December 2012Book page
Foreword by Tom Calma - Us Taken-Away Kids: commemorating the 10th anniversary of the 'Bringing them home' report
The contributors to this publication come from every part of Australia. They are sons and daughters, mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers. They are orphans, scholars, single parents, teachers, prisoners, healers, jillaroos and football stars. Many continue to suffer the effects of removal, manifesting in drug abuse, incarceration and mental illness. Thank you for sharing your… -
12 December 2024Conciliation register
The complainant is blind and has a guide dog. He claimed he was unable to safely cross a street near his home because although there was a pedestrian safety zone, there was no way for him to detect the location of the zone. He said he had asked his local council on several occasions to address the issue with no result. The local council advised it was aware of the complainant's concerns but… -
Rights and Freedoms11 March 2025Video
Commission launches COVID-19 pandemic response report
The Commission has released a major new report about the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlights how critical gaps in the emergency response could be improved upon in future crises. -
Age Discrimination11 December 2024News story
New project to tackle financial elder abuse
The Commission is bringing together representatives from the banking and financial services sector and peak community organisations to work together to improve the prevention and response to elder abuse. -
13 November 2024Conciliation register
The complainant worked for the respondent real estate agency. She alleged that after being informed she was pregnant, colleagues made negative comments, including "you are pregnant and useless, go home". She claimed the agency denied her request to work from home for part of the day at her doctor’s recommendation even though other staff were permitted to work from home. The complainant… -
12 December 2024Conciliation register
The complainant alleged that a manager sexually harassed her by having unconsensual sex with her after a work Christmas party at his home when she was intoxicated and unconscious. The complainant was no longer employed with the company at the time the complaint was lodged. The company claimed it could not be held liable for any alleged sexual harassment. The company said it had communicated… -
27 February 2025Conciliation register
The complainant’s adult son has psychosocial disability and she has enduring guardianship and power of attorney documents nominating her as his substitute decision-maker. She alleged the respondent telecommunications company declined to give her access to her son’s account in order to pay his mobile phone bills. The complainant claimed she was directed to attend one of the company’s stores… -
27 February 2025Conciliation register
The complainant has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a learning disability that affects her written expression. She said the respondent tribunal told her complaints must be made in writing but refused her request for assistance to draft a written complaint. The complainant said she was eventually able to submit her complaint orally but only after a significant time and effort. The tribunal said… -
27 February 2025Conciliation register
The complainant was employed on a casual basis as a coach at the respondent gym. She alleged a colleague repeatedly touched her on the chest despite multiple requests not to do so. She claimed that when she reported this to her manager, she was told “he can’t help it, he doesn’t understand boundaries”. She claimed her shifts were reduced after her complaint and she was required to work with… -
27 February 2025Conciliation register
The complainant advised she has Autism Spectrum Disorder and a sensory processing disorder. She said she found the sensory environment at the respondent medical practice overwhelming. She claimed the practice was dismissive of her request to accommodate her disability by reducing noise and scents and by avoiding certain colours. The practice said it told the complainant it would take steps… -
13 November 2024Conciliation register
The complainant has a spinal injury and uses a mobility scooter. He claimed he was unable to leave his home due to the lack of pavement outside his house, given he was told it was illegal to use his scooter on the road. On being notified of the complaint, the local council indicated a willingness to participate in conciliation to try to resolve the complaint. The complaint was resolved with… -
6 November 2024Conciliation register
The complainant alleged that the respondent not-for-profit organisation denied her request to work from home during school holidays to enable her to care for her three children. She alleged she was told she would not be able to meet the requirements of her role while looking after her children. The organisation claimed the complainant’s role required her to be present in the office. The… -
6 November 2024Conciliation register
The complainant alleged that during her employment with the respondent restaurant her manager slapped her on her bottom in front of customers and that on one occasion, after other staff had gone home, he said 'thank you so much dear' and kissed her on her cheek. She claimed that in response to her raising concerns about this conduct her boss said the manager also hugged and kissed other… -
Children's Rights27 February 2025News story
Applications open: National Children's Commissioner
Applications are now open for the National Children's Commissioner role. The National Children’s Commissioner leads the Commission’s work about the rights of children. This work includes: promoting understanding and acceptance of, and compliance with, the Convention on the Rights of the Child promoting discussion and awareness of issues affecting children undertaking research and education