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Banner Image with title that reads: On Your Terms youth survey on consent and sex ed. Background image two teenagers leaning against a wall with one person's arm resting on the other's shoulder
Children's Rights

On Your Terms: Youth survey on consent and sex ed

Under the direction of the National Children’s Commissioner, the Children’s Rights Team at the Australian Human Rights Commission has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Education to conduct a study on 14-18-year-old's experiences of, and attitudes towards, consent, respectful...
Laptop with 3D graphs
Technology and Human Rights

HRIA Tool: AI in Banking

Learn more about the Commission's project on using ethical AI in decision-making in the banking industry to protect human rights.
Boy wearing hoodie behind a wire fence
Children's Rights

Transforming child justice to improve safety and wellbeing

Background The National Children’s Commissioner is conducting a project that investigates opportunities for reform of youth justice and related systems across Australia, based on evidence and the protection of human rights. The project will explore ways to reduce children’s involvement in crime...
Older parents with their children and grandchildren
Age Discrimination

Planning ahead

Future planning empowers older people to have choice and control over their senior years and provides peace of mind for them and their loved ones.
Young girl in the foreground, older man in the background
Children's Rights

Supporting Quality Engagement with Children

Project overview The Supporting Quality Engagement with Children consultation project aims to include the voices of children, young people and their families in policies and services that directly affect them. The five Key National Strategies   The National Children’s Commissioner, Anne Hollonds is...
Boy wearing hoodie behind a wire fence
Children's Rights

Youth Justice and Child Wellbeing Reform Across Australia

The National Children’s Commissioner is conducting a project that investigates opportunities for reform of youth justice and related systems across Australia, based on evidence and the protection of human rights. The project will explore ways to reduce children’s involvement in crime, including...
Two men in conversation one older and one younger
Age Discrimination

Positive ageing

Having positive beliefs about ageing has been shown to be associated with better physical health, psychological wellbeing, increased longevity, and reduced dementia risk among older people.
Image of tradie
Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination in Employment

The right to work is a fundamental human right, but one that far too many older people in Australia do not enjoy.
Race Discrimination

Racism. It Stops With Me campaign relaunch

Racism. It Stops With Me is a national campaign that provides tools and resources to help people and organisations learn about racism and take action to create change.
Parliament House

Human Rights Reports

The Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 empowers the Commission to investigate breaches of human rights and workplace discrimination. Reports to the Minister are prepared, including recommendations for action.
A young man is sitting in an armchair patting a dog. He is wearing prosthetic lower legs.
Disability Rights

Accessible Housing Project

One of Commissioner Gauntlett’s term goals is to increase access to accessible housing for people with disability.
Angelina and baby
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Close the Gap: Indigenous Health Campaign

Working together to achieve health and life expectation equality for Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
