On Your Terms: Youth survey on consent and sex ed

Under the direction of the National Children’s Commissioner, the Children’s Rights Team at the Australian Human Rights Commission has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Education to conduct a study on 14-18-year-old's experiences of, and attitudes towards, consent, respectful relationships, and sexuality education in Australia.
The study also aims to examine young people's awareness and understanding of issues surrounding respectful relationships and consent.
On Your Terms forms part of the Australian Government’s agenda to support schools in educating children and young people about the importance of respectful relationships and positive consent, and shift attitudes and behaviours to prevent violence against women and children.
Findings from the study will establish a point in time understanding of young people’s experiences and help to inform improvements to the national curriculum and respectful relationships education policy in Australia.
On Your Terms is being developed with input from a Youth Advisory Group and expert advisors.
For children and young people
- If you’re feeling upset and need to talk to someone, you can call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800
- Webchat options and forums are also available:
- Beyond Blue (for people aged 12-25)
- Reach out (for people aged 18-25)
For parents/caregivers
If you are raising a teenager and would like to learn more about discussing relationships, sexuality and consent with your child, Raising Children offers free resources.
The Commission has extensive experience in safely conducting surveys and direct consultations with children and young people around a wide range of topics.
The research team can be contacted at studentsurvey@humanrights.gov.au