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31 January 2013Webpage
1988 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
The Human Rights Awards were established to honour the achievement in literature and other writing, film and the media in the promotion of understanding and public discussion of human rights in Australia. The distinctive awards, designed and made South Australian glass artist Pavel Tomecko, were presented by Sir Ninian Stephen. human rights medal Winner: Reverend Dorothy McMahon The 1988… -
29 January 2013Book page
Appendix C – 2011 ADFA Unacceptable Behaviour Survey Administered 14 June 2011
Sex Discrimination28 January 2013Webpage
Report on the Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force
Phase 2 of the Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force Community Guide Download PDF (1.2 mb) Download Word (1.1 mb) Download Complete Report Download PDF (8.0 mb) Download Word (17.4 mb - note: does not include Appendices) Download Appendices Word (5.9 mb) Contents Overview and Recommendations [ Word / PDF] Chapter 1: The Case for Change – Why the ADF Should Care… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
On behalf of ASTSS I would like to thank you for inviting us to this meeting. Our Association consists of professionals of different disciplines whose aim is to diagnose, treat and prevent major stresses and traumas and their consequences. Some of our members have expressed concern from their clinical experience that traumatized detainees have been further traumatized, and as well, that carers… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The QTU beleives that refugee detention centres should be immediately closed down and replaced with the placement of all refugees in appropriate communities." -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention - FAQ's
If you have any queries about the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention, please contact the Commission by emailing -
14 December 2012Book page
Close the Gap - Part 1 Background
In my 2005 Social Justice Report1, I argued that it was unacceptable for a country as rich as ours, and one based on the notion of the ‘fair go’ and the ‘level playing field’, to tolerate the gross health inequality that has existed between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians for at long as records have been kept. I called for action, and I made recommendations that set out a broad path to… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
I refer to your letter of 1 March 2002 addressed to the Chief Executive of the Chief Minister's Department inviting input to the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention. I note that you also wrote to the ACT Departments of Education and Community Services, Health and Community Care and Justice and Community Safety. -
14 December 2012Book page
A Bad Business - Foreword
In a modern workforce where men and women work side by side it is important that employers protect their employees from unwanted behaviour that is not only harmful to the employee involved but also unprofessional and unproductive for the workplace. Sexual harassment is one form of unwanted behaviour that attempts to exclude individuals from the workplace by focusing on the sex of the person… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention - Public hearing dates
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention Inquiry homepage | Submissions to the Inquiry | Media Releases | Terms of Reference | Background Papers Public Hearing Dates and Transcripts Hearing dates for the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention are available below. Transcripts of the hearings are posted below. Please note that all transcripts have been edited… -
14 December 2012Book page
Voices of Australia: Resource sheet 5 - rightsED
Discrimination: Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference made on a particular basis such as race, religion, national origin which has the purpose or effect of denying recognition, enjoyment, or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and freedoms in society. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Federal Discrimination Law: Update Information for 26 September 2008
Update Information 26 September 2008 Back to index This table lists changes to FDL Online to assist regular users keep track of developments in the law. Updated Section(s) of FDL Online Case Name Chapter 3: The Racial Discrimination Act 3.1.1(b): The right to equality before the law in s 10 Bropho v State of Western Australia [2008] FCAFC 100 3.2.2(a)(iii): ‘Based on’ and intention to… -
14 December 2012Book page
Contents: African Australians - Compendium (2010)
back to African Australians Compendium 2010 - African Australians: human rights and social inclusion issues project A compendium detailing the outcomes of the community and stakeholder consultations and interviews and public submissions Contents 1 Recognition of Indigenous context 2 Overview 2.1 Scope and framework 2.2 Project partners and governance 2.3 Consultation strategy and approach 2… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The National Association of Community Based Children's Services (NACBCS) represents long day care, preschool, occasional care and outside school hours care services that are community owned and managed. The members of NACBCS predominantly work in direct contact with children and families in the services and advocate for quality childcare services for young children. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
It must also be recognised that many children in detention centres have been deeply damaged - further trauma could be avoided, in part, by prudent selection and training of staff and guards. It needs to be assured that only staff who have learned to respect relevant cultures, religious traditions and are knowledgeable of the human rights of asylum seekers and the often traumatic conditions of… -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? Mental health
Mental health findings and discussions presented in the "Last Resort" report. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2001: Recommendations
In submitting this report I am required to make any recommendations as to actions that should be taken by governments to improve the recognition of the human rights of Indigenous people.[1] This years report contains 12 recommendations, which are reproduced here and discussed further in the relevant chapters. -
14 December 2012Book page
Photos - Immigration detention in Leonora (2011)
The Australian Human Rights Commission visited the immigration detention facility in Leonora, Western Australia in November 2010. Photos taken during the Commission’s visit are set out below. -
14 December 2012Book page
2010 Immigration detention in Darwin: photos
The Australian Human Rights Commission visited immigration detention facilities in Darwin from 6 to 10 September 2010. Click here to read a public statement outlining key observations and concerns arising from the Commission’s visit. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into older people and the law (6 June 2007)
We appeared before the House Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (‘Committee’) in its Inquiry into older people and the law (‘Inquiry’) on 15 May 2007.