Report on the Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force

Phase 2 of the Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force
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- Overview and Recommendations
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 1: The Case for Change – Why the ADF Should Care about Women’s Representation and Progression
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 2: Chief of Defence Force Action Plan for the Recruitment and Retention of Women: How effective was it?
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 3: The ADF Culture: The experience of and attitudes towards women
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 4: The ADF Workforce Pipeline: Women’s representation and critical issues
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 5: The ADF Workforce Structure: Opportunities,Pathways and Barriers
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 6: Combining a Military Career with Family
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 7: Sexual harassment, sex discrimination and sexual abuse
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 8: Adequacy and Accessibility of Support Mechanisms
[Word / PDF] - Chapter 9: International Trends and Lessons: A Review of Practices in Comparable Militaries
[Word / PDF]
- Appendix A: Consultations
[Word / PDF] - Appendix B: Survey Information: The Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force Survey
[Word / PDF] - Appendix C: Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force Survey
[Word / PDF] - Appendix D: Chapter 1: The Case for Change: Why the ADF Should Care about Women’s Representation and Progression
[Word / PDF] - Appendix E: Chapter 2: Chief of Defence Force Action Plan for the Recruitment and Retention of Women: How effective was it?
[Word / PDF] - Appendix F: Chapter 4: The ADF Workforce Pipeline: Women’s representation and critical issues – Section 4.1 Representation
[Word / PDF] - Appendix G: Chapter 4: The ADF Workforce Pipeline: Women’s representation and critical issues – Section 4.2 Recruitment
[Word / PDF] - Appendix H: Chapter 4: The ADF Workforce Pipeline: Women’s representation and critical issues – Section 4.3 Retention
[Word / PDF] - Appendix I: Chapter 4: The ADF Workforce Pipeline: Women’s representation and critical issues – Section 4.4 Career management and progression
[Word / PDF] - Appendix J: Chapter 5: The ADF Workforce Structure: Opportunities, Pathways and Barriers – Section 5.1 Occupational Segregation
[Word / PDF] - Appendix K: Chapter 5: The ADF Workforce Structure: Opportunities, Pathways and Barriers – Section 5.3 Women in Combat: Removal of
Gender Restrictions
[Word / PDF] - Appendix L: Chapter 5: The ADF Workforce Structure: Opportunities, Pathways and Barriers – Section 5.4 Mentoring, networking and sponsorship
[Word / PDF] - Appendix M: Chapter 6: Combining a Military Career with Family
[Word / PDF] - Appendix N: Chapter 6: Combining a Military Career with Family
[Word / PDF] - Appendix O: Chapter 8: Adequacy and Accessibility of Support Mechanisms
[Word / PDF] - Appendix P: Chapter 9: International Trends and Lessons Learned: A Review of Practices in Comparable Militaries
[Word / PDF] - Appendix Q: Referencing documents received from Defence Liaison Officers
[Word / PDF] - Select Bibliography
[Word / PDF]