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14 December 2012Book page
AusHRC 50:Campbell v Black & White Cabs Pty Ltd and Tighe
Pursuant to s 31(b)(ii) of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach my report of an inquiry into the complaint made by Mr Norman Campbell of discrimination in employment on the basis of criminal record by Black & White Cabs Pty Ltd and Mr John Tighe. -
2 October 2018Webpage
Make a complaint
The Australian Human Rights Commission investigates and conciliates complaints about discrimination and breaches of human rights. -
Sex Discrimination19 September 2018Webpage
Sex Discrimination
Read the latest news about how the Commission works to end sex discrimination and harassment and works to promote gender equality for a fairer society. -
Sex Discrimination4 May 2021Speech
Launch of Change the Routine: Report on the Independent Review into Gymnastics in Australia 2021
Australian Human Rights Commission Independent Review into Gymnastics in Australia Monday, 3 May 2021, 2pm Kate Jenkins, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Launch speech [Check against delivery] I acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, and pay my respects to their elders past and present. Feeling a combination of heartbreak and hope, I am here… -
5 February 2015Book page
12 Children in detention on Nauru
12.1 Accommodation 12.2 Facilities 12.3 Provision of clothing and footwear 12.4 Recreation and play 12.5 Education 12.6 Security measures 12.7 Policy guiding the transfer of children to Nauru 12.8 Impact of detention on children 12.9 Transfer of unaccompanied children 12.10 Child protection and allegations of abuse 12.11 Health services 12.12 Republic of Nauru Hospital 12.13 Mental health… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice17 March 2021Publication
Close the Gap (2021)
Leadership and legacy through crises: keeping our mob safe Prepared by the Lowitja Institute for the Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee Foreword On behalf of the Close the Gap Campaign’s 54 members, we invite you to engage with our 12th annual report titled, Leadership and Legacy Through Crises: Keeping our Mob safe. This year’s report was produced by the Lowitja Institute, Australia… -
Education9 February 2021Webpage
Contact officer training
Increase your team members’ understanding of inappropriate workplace behaviour and provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to be effective contact officers. Suitable for new contact officers or as a refresher for existing contact officers. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Integration of Customary Law into the Australian Legal System: Calma
I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, the traditional owners and custodians of the land where we are gathered today, and pay my respects to their elders. -
Sex Discrimination23 April 2024Webpage
The Positive Duty in the Sex Discrimination Act
The Commission has developed resources to help organisations and businesses understand their new legal responsibilities under the Sex Discrimination Act. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 September 2023Speech
CEW Leadership Summit
Introduction in language Hello everyone. I acknowledge the traditional custodians of Naarm, all the Countries of the Kulin Nations, and I pay my respects to Elder’s past, present and emerging. I recognise our First Women, our mothers, sisters, aunties, and daughters who have cared for our communities, shared knowledge and culture, and nurture future generations through women’s ways of… -
Technology and Human Rights23 November 2020Publication
Technical Paper: Addressing Algorithmic Bias
Learn about how algorithmic bias arises in AI decision-making and how it can produce unfair and potentially unlawful decisions. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission on the Inquiry into pay equity and associated issues related to increasing female participation in the workforce (2008)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (‘the Commission’)[1] makes this submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment and Workplace Relations in its Inquiry into pay equity and associated issues related to increasing female participation in the workforce (‘the Inquiry’). -
14 December 2012Book page
Chapter 1: Towards a reconciled Australia: An agenda of hope - Social Justice Report 2010
I could tell you of heartbreak, hatred blind I could tell of crimes that shame mankind Of brutal wrongs and deeds malign Of rape and murder son of mine -
Disability Rights30 October 2020Submission
Submission in response to the National Disability Strategy: Position Paper (2020)
1. Introduction The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) welcomes the opportunity to provide the Department of Social Services (DSS) with this submission in response to the National Disability Strategy: Position Paper [i] (the Position Paper) regarding the development of a new National Disability Strategy (the New Strategy). The Commission is Australia’s national human rights … -
14 December 2012Book page
Appendix 2: Chronology of Events Relating to the Administration of Indigenous Affairs - Social Justice Report 2011
Social Justice Report 2011 Back to Contents Appendix 2: Chronology of Events Relating to the Administration of Indigenous Affairs 1 July 2010 – 30 June 2011 DATE EVENT / SUMMARY OF ISSUE 2 July 2010 Torres Strait Islander sea rights recognised by Federal Court The Federal Court recognised the Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim Group’s native title rights over about 37 800sq. km of sea between… -
Disability Rights16 April 2024Webpage
Ambassador Profile - Tim Ferguson
Acclaimed comedian, screenwriter, author, actor, comedy coach, advocate, and patron of MS Australia, Tim Ferguson talks about disability rights, employment and humour! -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission on Extradition review discussion paper
1.1 The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘HREOC’) is established by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) (‘HREOC Act’). It is Australia's national human rights institution. 1.2 Its functions are set out in section 11(1) of the HREOC Act and include the power to promote an understanding and acceptance, and the public discussion, of… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Board
The government has an obligation to take action to address violence and abuse, particularly where there is evidence that is it widespread. Governments that fail to do so are in breach of their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRoC), the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the International Convention on… -
Children's Rights14 September 2020Publication
Impacts of COVID-19 on children and young people who contact Kids Helpline (2020)
Kids Helpline and the Australian Human Rights Commission have co-authored a report on the impacts of COVID-19 on children and young people who contact Kids Helpline. -
Sex Discrimination30 July 2020Project
Independent Review of Gymnastics in Australia
In a commitment to athlete safety and wellbeing, Gymnastics Australia has engaged the Australian Human Rights Commission to conduct an independent Review of the sport of gymnastics in Australia.