Older Australians at Work Summit
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This page was first created in November, 2015

© Australian Human Resource Institute, September 2015
AHRI and the Australian Human Rights Commission extend appreciation to the Summit Corporate Partners, NAB and KPMG, keynote speakers Bernard Salt and John Daley, and Summit presenters Kate Dee, Niki Kesoglou, Linda Redfern and Alison Monroe
Special thanks to the Summit Moderator Catherine Fox and to Julie Abdalla from KPMG for her reporting of the breakout group outcomes and Peter Saul.
Acknowledgment of Alison Monroe, CEO SageCo for her advice, and Camilla Gebicki, Policy Officer, Australian Human Rights Commission, for her general support and Lead Creation.
Summit Program Committee: Susan Ryan, Adriana Siddle, Catherine Fox, Antoinette Totta, Susan Ferrier, Glen Aiton and Sandra Cormack.
Group Facilitators: Alison Monroe, Toby Marshall, Luella Forbes, Tony O’Reilly, Sally Brauer and Kathryn Jowett.
Group Scribes: Rachel Kim, Rochelle Muscat, Claudia Quintanilla, Preeti Grover, Catriona Smith and Rebecca Portelli.