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Rights and Freedoms5 May 2019Video
Australian Human Rights Commission 30th anniversary
A special video about 30 years of the Australian Human Rights Commission, which has been working in the community to advance human rights for everyone, everywhere, every day. This video was played at the 2016 Human Rights Awards, for more information see -
Rights and Freedoms5 May 2019Video
Human Rights Awards 2018
The Honourable Justice Peter McClellan AM and Chrissie Foster have won the prestigious 2018 Human Rights Medal for their enormous contribution to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Young People’s Human Rights Medal went to Saxon Mullins, who received a standing ovation. Saxon told her story of sexual assault on national television and highlighted the… -
Disability Rights3 May 2019Video
RightsTalk with Nujeen Mustafa and Shantha Rau Barriga
On Monday 8 April 2019, refugee and disability rights activists Nujeen Mustafa and Shantha Rau Barriga joined Human Rights Commissioner Edward Santow at another of our popular RightsTalk events, hosted in partnership with Human Rights Watch. > Click to read more about this event. -
LGBTIQ+30 April 2019Video
RightsTalk: Casey Legler
Famed and haunted by a career in the pool, Casey Legler - former Olympic swimmer, LGBTI advocate, fashion model, restaurateur & author of newly released bio "Godspeed", shares an incredible life story. Read our news story for more information. -
Education18 March 2019Teachers Article
Commemorate Human Rights Day
Explore a resource designed to help students further their understanding of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted in December 1948. -
Education18 March 2019Teachers Article
Understanding human rights
Explore Understanding Human Rights, which is a resource designed to help students understand human rights concepts and how they apply to everyday life. -
Education14 March 2019Teachers Article
Disability Rights, Accessibility and Liveability
Read a student resource that explores how people with disabilities may face difficulties accessing places and how you can help create solutions. -
Education14 March 2019Teachers Article
Disability Discrimination in Sport
Read, Disability Discrimination in Sport, which encourages students to investigate the barriers people with disabilities face when participating in sports. -
Legal12 January 2022Submission
Review of the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Act 2019 (Cth)
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security in relation to its statutory review of the operation, effectiveness and implications of the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Act 2019 (Cth), as required by s 29(1)(cc) of the Intelligence Services Act 2001 (Cth). -
Legal12 January 2022Submission
The performance and integrity of Australia's administrative review system
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee in relation to its inquiry into the performance and integrity of Australia's administrative review system. -
Legal12 January 2022Submission
Inquiry into the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 and related bills (Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights)
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights in relation to its inquiry into the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 (Cth), Religious Discrimination (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021 (Cth), and the Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 (Cth). -
Commission – General2 July 2024Speech
Occasional Address — University of New South Wales graduation
Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM Chancellor, David Gonski AC, Dean, Professor George Williams AO, distinguished guests, graduating students and families. Graduations are such a special moment— not just in a university calendar, but also in your lives. It is significant that this occurs on the winter solstice: the day when the sun stands still. In its Latin, ‘solstitium’, became … -
Disability Rights12 April 2024Webpage
Ambassador Profile - Paul Harpur
Paralympian, solicitor, academic and Blind Australian of the Year, IncludeAbliity Ambassador Paul offers his thoughts and advice on the value of disability. -
Race Discrimination24 October 2018Teachers Article
The Globalising World; Changing policies and Australian identity
The Globalising World explores how migration has shaped Australia. It investigates how changing attitudes to migration have made Australia more inclusive. -
Age Discrimination26 April 2023Media Release
State AG inaction enables power-of-attorney parasites: Commissioner
Australia’s Age Discrimination Commissioner says thousands of older Australians are being robbed and cheated out of millions of dollars every year because of a dysfunctional enduring power-of-attorney (EPOA) framework. The Commissioner is calling on state and territory Attorneys-General to commit to fixing the problem at the Standing Council of Attorneys-General meeting in Darwin this week… -
Race Discrimination26 October 2020Media Release
Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture
Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture: Racial Equality in the Time of COVID The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected Australia’s diverse communities. From the racial targeting of Asian Australians to the hard lockdown imposed on residents in Melbourne’s public housing towers, the pandemic has also raised questions about the place of diverse communities in Australian society. The Australian… -
18 September 2018Webpage
The Australian Human Rights Commission promotes and provides education and training which seeks to build a universal culture of human rights. -
Race Discrimination16 November 2021Media Release
New guidelines to address spectator racism in sport
A new set of guidelines will help Australian sports organisations act effectively and consistently in responding to incidents of spectator racism and preventing racism from occurring at sporting events. Major professional sports organisations including the AFL, Cricket Australia, NRL, Tennis Australia, and some of the nation’s largest stadiums have already endorsed the guidelines, and more… -
Disability Rights9 April 2024Webpage
Ambassador profile - Simon Katterl
IncludeAbility Ambassador Simon Katterl talks about reforms he's worked on in the disability sector, including at the Royal Commission and in human rights. -
14 December 2012Book page
It's About Time - Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Australia's human rights obligations for workers with family and carer responsibilities 3.3 Limitations of federal discrimination law 3.4 The need for law reform 3.5 Conclusion