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Sex Discrimination6 July 2023Media Release
Commission welcomes new Sex Discrimination Commissioner
The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the appointment of Professor Anna Cody to the role of Sex Discrimination Commissioner. “On behalf of Commissioners and staff, I warmly welcome Professor Cody to the Commission. She has a distinguished career as an academic, as a lawyer specialising in discrimination and as a passionate advocate for human rights,” said Commission President,… -
15 July 2014Book page
Chapter 5: Business and our human rights in the Declaration
5.1 Introduction The significant role of business to respect and support our human rights is increasingly being recognised. Although the protection of human rights remains the responsibility of government, business is realising that human rights are both relevant and fundamental to their operations. In many of the conversations I have had with business and community leaders across the… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Rights of non-citizens
Learn about how under international law, human rights are to be recognised for all individuals in Australia, including refugees and asylum seekers. -
Rights and Freedoms21 September 2023Media Release
Human Rights Commissioner critical of COVID inquiry scope
Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of an inquiry into Australia’s handling of the COVID pandemic but has criticised the inquiry’s terms of reference for not having a specific focus on human rights impacts and for excluding the unilateral actions of state and territory governments. Today Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirmed the… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
According to National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) as of 5 February 2002 there were 16 children with disabilities such as vision impairment, acute dwarfism, trauma, Perthes disease, cardiac, asthmatic and genetic disabilities residing in detention centres (Port Hedland and Woomera). This number does not include any of the detained refugees on the Pacific Islands like Nairu, Christmas Islands… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - National
Central to ATSIC's submission is a discussion of barriers to effective education for Indigenous students. Ill-health, discrimination and family mobility are among the issues discussed. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
What is bullying?
Violence, harassment and bullying fact sheet. Recognise bullying, its impact, and how to seek help. Understand your rights and responsibilities. -
Race Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Guide to the Racial Hatred Act
The Racial Hatred Act, introduced in October 1995, extends the coverage of the RDA so that people can complain to the Australian Human Rights Commission about racially offensive or abusive behaviour. It aims to strike a balance between two valued rights: the right to communicate freely and the right to live free from vilification. -
Commission – General19 September 2023News story
Opportunities to lead Australia’s human rights work
The Attorney-General’s Department is seeking expressions of interest from human rights leaders and experts for two key roles at the Commission – President, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. The current position holders President Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM and Commissioner June Oscar AO will end their tenures in July and April 2024… -
14 December 2012Book page
20 Years on: The Challenges Continue - Chapter 3
This Chapter compares the results of HREOC's review of sexual harassment in employment complaints reported in A Bad Business with the findings of the telephone survey on the incidence and nature of sexual harassment in the workplace in relation to: -
Rights and Freedoms18 September 2023Submission
Australia's Sixth Periodic Review
Learn more about the Commission's update to the Committee against Torture on the implementation of recommendations from their Concluding Observations. -
Rights and Freedoms7 March 2023Webpage
Human Rights Act for Australia - Social Media Tiles to Download
Technology and Human Rights21 February 2024Submission
Human Rights Responses to Cybercrime
Learn more about how cybercrime can lead to human rights violations and how Australia can take a human-rights-centred approach. -
29 January 2013Book page
1. ADFA: Description of Current Culture
The Terms of Reference required the Review to make recommendations on initiatives to drive cultural change at ADFA regarding the treatment of women. To properly identify these initiatives, the Review needed to assess the culture as it currently exists. Part of this process involved examining the notion of military culture generally and, more specifically, the culture for women at ADFA. The… -
29 January 2013Book page
1. ADFA: Description of Current Culture
The Terms of Reference required the Review to make recommendations on initiatives to drive cultural change at ADFA regarding the treatment of women. To properly identify these initiatives, the Review needed to assess the culture as it currently exists. Part of this process involved examining the notion of military culture generally and, more specifically, the culture for women at ADFA. The… -
Rights and Freedoms22 March 2024Media Release
Waleed Aly joins line-up for landmark human rights forum
Presenter, journalist and academic Waleed Aly is among a raft of talent who have just been announced as speakers and panellists for the Free + Equal Human Rights Conference during this year’s Vivid Sydney festival. Mr Aly will join the line-up for the Rights On Time show on the evening of Thursday 6 June in the Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom where he’ll panel through time with ‘sleek geek’… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Although it is not possible to precisely specify all the circumstance that lead people to arrive in Australia through people smuggling routes, there can be no doubt that they undertake perilous journeys which put their lives and that of accompanying family members at risk. Given the very high rates of approval for those who have sought asylum in Australia through these routes, it is reasonable to… -
14 December 2012Book page
Initial Draft: Disability Standards for Employment
Comments in response to these draft Standards should be sent by 29 November 1996 to: Disability Discrimination Commissioner GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001 or e-mail comments to: -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Access and Equity: Inquiry into the responsiveness of Australian Government services to Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse population
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Access and Equity Inquiry Panel in its inquiry into the responsiveness of Australian Government services to Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse population. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Consolidation of Commonwealth Discrimination law - domestic and family violence
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this supplementary submission further to its submission on the Commonwealth discrimination laws, lodged in December 2011[1] (the principal submission).