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Commission – General3 July 2018Opinion piece
Criminal record discrimination
This article by Commission President Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher was published in the Australian July 4, 2018 I recently provided a report to the Attorney-General about a man who claimed that he had been refused a job because of his criminal record. The criminal record was very serious. Ten years ago, he had been convicted of accessing and possessing child pornography. The law and… -
Legal19 December 2023Submission
Respect at Work Bill 2022 (Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs)
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in relation to its inquiry into the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 (Bill) introduced by the Australian Government. -
Sex Discrimination19 March 2024Project
Speaking from Experience Project
The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched Speaking from Experience, landmark project that centres the voices of people with lived experience in workplace sexual harassment reform. -
Commission – General19 March 2024Webpage
Senate File Listing 1 July 2023 - 31 December 2023
Learn about the Senate file listing from July to December 2023. -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Laws
The following 58 laws must be amended to eliminate discrimination against same-sex couples and their children in the area of federal financial and work-related entitlements. -
14 December 2012Book page
Voices of Australia: Activity sheet 7 - rightsED
Create an artistic piece (painting/song/drama play/menu/stage costume) that celebrates the themes of diversity, anti-discrimination and multiculturalism. -
14 December 2012Book page
The media and racial hatred
The Racial Hatred Act reinforces media standards, promoting impartiality and accuracy in reporting on race issues. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Foreword - Human rights at your fingertips
Australia has a proud history of supporting human rights. Australia played a key role in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights more than sixty years ago. Since then, Australia has been a leading voice for the implementation of human rights across the globe. -
13 November 2014Book page
About the Commission - Annual Report 2013-14
Our vision Human rights: everyone, everywhere, everyday Our role The role of the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) is to see that human rights and fundamental freedoms are understood and respected in law, policy and practice. The Commission is independent from government, with a legislative mandate, and recognised internationally as an ‘A status’ national human rights… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice5 February 2024News story
Tribute to Lowitja O'Donoghue
Reflecting on Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue's legacy, Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO said: "In my life, as is true for countless others, Lowitja O’Donoghue has been a towering figure of social justice, committed to guaranteeing our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights are recognised and responded to by Australia. She will be remembered always as a remarkable woman who lived across… -
15 June 2015Book page
8 Legal and policy framework
The following section outlines the relevant legal and policy framework, including the international human rights framework. 8.1 International legal framework The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) sets out the rights of people with disability generally and in respect of employment. [25] In particular, article 27 of the CRPD protects the right to work for people with… -
Commission – General11 October 2023Event
Australian Human Rights Awards 2023
The Australian Human Rights Awards provides a wonderful opportunity for people across the human rights, humanitarian, legal, government and community sectors as well as supporters of human rights advocacy to gather together for a memorable celebration of human rights heroes. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry on Employment and Disability Interim Report: chapter 3
The issue of participation of people with disability in the open workforce has been the subject of much public debate in recent months. This is largely the result of the 'Welfare to Work' package announced in the May 2005 Commonwealth Budget. However, the issue is a longstanding one, as indicated in the submissions to the Inquiry. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice9 September 2019Speech
Kimberley Women Rangers Camp keynote speech
Jalangurru maningarri, ngarragi yani. Wadi jalangurru yathanggirragi. – larger Bunuba. Welcome. Good morning everyone. Welcome to the opening of the Kimberley women ranger’s forum! Welcome to all those who have come from all our countries across this expansive region. From the Valley the Gooniyandi, Walmajarri, Wangkajunka and Nyikina and others from up the peninsula, all the way to One Arm… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2005
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘the Commission’) has been invited by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee (‘the Committee’) to make submissions on the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (‘the Bill’). The Commission welcomes the opportunity to make this submission and thanks the Committee for its invitation. -
Disability Rights2 May 2024Webpage
Writing a resume and cover letter
Learn about writing a resumé and cover letter, including when you might, or might not want to share information about disability. -
Sex Discrimination13 March 2013Webpage
Web Links
Discover key resources and links for understanding and addressing sex discrimination in Australia, fostering a culture of respect and equality. -
14 December 2012Book page
Face the Facts: Activity 5 - rightsED
1. Use the table below and the material in Face the Facts - Questions and Answers about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. -
14 December 2012Book page
Photographs from the Ismaع launch - Media Pack
The Commission permits and encourages the use of these photographs by media outlets. For further information or assistance please email: -
14 December 2012Book page
Human Rights Act - Useful Links
Human Rights Act TV is website where young people can have their say about their human rights by making a submission online, by text message or by making a youtube clip.