Refine results
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Information concerning Australia and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Recommendation 1: The Commission recommends that the Australian Government fully incorporate into Australian law its human rights obligations to children, including through the adoption of a federal Human Rights Act. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Whilst employed as a registered nurse at the Woomera detention centre, it came within the parameters of my duties to treat all detainees, men, women, and children. I would like to share some anecdotes of some of those patient contacts that occurred between myself and specifically the children (or child related contacts). The dates of my employment at the WIRPC were early August 2000- mid February… -
14 December 2012Book page
Our response to the Key Issues for Comment contained in your Discussion Paper follows. You will note that throughout this document we have referred to "Advance Directives" as we feel strongly that this is a preferable term, for the reasons stated below. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Acknowledgements
The position of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner was established within the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in 1993 to carry out the following functions: -
14 December 2012Book page
Young people in the workplace: Script - rightsED
Lian and her friends meet in a café and discuss the benefits of part-time work while still at school - experience, money, meeting people etc. Lian's friend, Kenny, works in a computer company and Lian has decided to apply for a job there. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
"Protection is not a simple concession made to the refugee: he is not an object of assistance, but rather a subject of rights and duties. Each country has the responsibility to respect the rights of refugees and assure that they are respected as much as the rights of its own citizens" [1] -
Age Discrimination25 June 2024News story
Retirement village operators urged to improve elder abuse protections
The Age Discrimination Commissioner, Robert Fitzgerald AM, has called on Australia’s retirement living sector to introduce new nationwide strategies to better identify and respond to the abuse of residents. Elder abuse affects one in six older Australians, including those living in retirement villages. The abuse can take many forms, including neglect, financial exploitation, physical… -
Commission – General30 June 2023Webpage
Commission – General
Learn about the Australian Human Rights Commission’s general work and initiatives. -
Commission – General31 August 2024Publication
Corporate Plan 2024-2025
Discover the corporate plan for 2024-2025. -
14 December 2012Book page
It's About Time - Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction 4.2 The key issues 4.3 Workplace relations framework 4.4 Recognising the relationship between paid work and caring work 4.5 Certainty and flexibility in the workplace 4.6 Structural change to support gender and carer equality 4.7 The need for expanded legal rights 4.8 Workplace culture and use of family-friendly policies 4.9 A life cycle approach to work and a universal approach… -
International16 March 2016Project
HRTC highlights newsletter - April 2016
Working internationally to advance human rights Welcome Welcome to the first bi-annual newsletter for the Human Rights Technical Cooperation (HRTC) Programs. HRTC Highlights is a new initiative that will provide you with updates from our international human rights activities. This edition highlights a small selection of our recent work in China and Vietnam. Contents The HRTC Programs Recent… -
8 February 2024Conciliation register
The complainant has osteoarthritis and uses lifts to accommodate resulting mobility difficulties. She alleged lifts at the respondent shopping centre were unavailable for an extended period, restricting her access to services on different levels. On being notified of the complaint, the shopping centre indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation. The complaint was … -
31 January 2013Webpage
2005 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
The 2005 Medal and Awards presentation ceremony was held on 9 December 2005 at a luncheon at the Sheraton on the Park hotel in Sydney. The Human Rights Day address was delivered by Commission President, the Hon. John von Doussa QC and Julie McCrossin was the MC. The judges were: Jonathan Biggins, Justice Catherine Branson, David Cooper, Maurice Corcoran, Nicholas Cowdery QC, Eva Cox, Morag… -
Disability Rights22 March 2024Webpage
The IncludeAbility Employer Network - The University of Queensland
Learn how IncludeAbility Employer Network member UQ values equity, diversity and inclusion, and seeks to attract high-quality staff from a range of backgrounds. -
Disability Rights22 March 2024Webpage
The IncludeAbility Employer Network - City of Sydney
IncludeAbility Employer Network member City of Sydney aims to provide greater social and economic opportunities for people with disability -
14 December 2012Book page
Preventing Crime and Promoting Rights for Indigenous Young People with Cognitive Disabilities and Mental Health Issues Appendix 1
Preventing Crime and Promoting Rights for Indigenous Young People with Cognitive Disabilities and Mental Health Issues Appendix 1: List of Consultations Back to Contents Download Complete report PDF[4.22 MB] Complete report Word [805 KB] Dr Eileen Baldry School of Social Work, University of NSW Linda Bamblett Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Les Bamblett Victorian… -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Launch Speech
When I was a kid, I thought that, when I grew up, I might l like to be an astronaut or an actress, or a lawyer fighting for clients on death row. It changed by the season. But at no point, that I can remember, did I want to grow up to be gay. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Housing, homelessness and human rights
People experiencing homelessness face violations of a wide range of human rights. Access to safe and secure housing is one of the most basic human rights. However, homelessness is not just about housing. -
Disability Rights21 March 2024Webpage
IncludeAbility Employer Network - Australian Public Service Commission
IncludeAbility Employer Network member Australian Public Service Commission is committed to diversity and inclusion in their policies, advice and own workforce. -
21 October 2022Webpage
Let's talk about disability
Learn about how people with a disability have the same rights and freedoms as everyone and should all be respected and treated equally and fairly.