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28 November 2014Book page
Activity and Resource Sheets Rights Ed Resource sheet: What is discrimination? What is discrimination? Discrimination is when you are treated unfairly or differently from others because of a particular personal characteristic. People may experience discrimination in many areas of their daily life. You may face discrimination: at school, TAFE or University in the place where you work or when… -
28 November 2014Book page
Discover a range of teaching resources for school students developed by the Human Rights Commission that help raise awareness of disability rights -
Race Discrimination11 December 2013Project
At a glance: Racial vilification under sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
Understand racial vilification under sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act, exploring key cases and legal interpretations. -
Legal3 July 2019Webpage
Freedom of Information disclosure log
The Australian Human Rights Commission is required by section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011. -
Rights and Freedoms3 August 2017Webpage
Submissions: OPCAT Civil Society Consultation
Submissions - OPCAT Civil Society Consultation Submissions received by the Australian Human Rights Commission in response to the guideline questions its OPCAT in Australia Consultation Paper (2017), available here. Submissions from organisations and individuals Where a submission is not available it is either confidential or its confidentiality is pending. Northern Territory Anti… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees13 September 2013Opinion piece
Australia, Human Rights, Refugees and Asylum Seekers
A comment on the current human rights issues faced by Australia in the processing of refugees and asylum seekers -
16 May 2013Book page
Chapter 6: Additional Resources
View Chapter 6 as PDF View Chapter 6 as Word This chapter provides some useful information and links for industry-specific and general information on increasing the representation of women. Mining Industry Australia Increasing the Diversity of the Mining Industry Workforce – Strategies for Employers Women in Mining Network (WIMnet), 2003This bulletin is a collection of strategies and ideas… -
Rights and Freedoms4 May 2013Webpage
1981-86 Human Rights Commission: Reports
Explore reports from the Human Rights Commission covering 1981-1986. -
Rights and Freedoms3 May 2013Webpage
Nature of obligations regarding economic, social and cultural rights
Learn how our human rights are protected under the law and can only be altered by the state in the case of a national emergency and only within reason. -
Commission – General2 May 2013Webpage
“RightsTalk provides a forum for members of the public to come together to debate, discuss, argue and learn about the human rights issues that affect us all.” - Commission President Professor Gillian Triggs Upcoming talks RightsTalk: Access to the internet as a human right Thursday 7 November12.30pm - 2:00pm Chair – Graeme Innes, Disability Discrimination Commissioner The internet has become… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Right to work and rights in work
Learn about human rights at work and how they are protected through the Fair Work Act, work, health and safety laws and anti-discrimination legislation. -
Disability Rights8 April 2013Publication
Know your rights: Disability discrimination
Learn about your rights regarding disability discrimination. -
Legal20 March 2013Publication
Casenote: Monis v The Queen [2013] HCA 4
SUMMARY: Two sets of decisions issued last week by the High Court of Australia highlight the need for continuing discussion of options for improved legislative frameworks to protect freedom of expression and other human rights. -
31 January 2013Webpage
2004 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
The 2004 Medal and Awards presentation ceremony was held on 10 December 2004 at a luncheon at the Sheraton on the Park hotel in Sydney. The Human Rights Day address was delivered by Commission President, the Hon. John von Doussa QC and Julie McCrossin was the MC. The judges were: Jonathan Biggins, Justice Catherine Branson, David Cooper, Maurice Corcoran, Nicholas Cowdery QC, Eva Cox, Morag… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
ACDE is the national peak organisation representing deans of faculties of education and heads of schools of education in Australian universities, and in other institutions providing recognised teacher education qualifications. ACDE members are responsible for initial and post-initial teacher education (schools, VET, early childhood, tertiary, some other instructors/educators), education research… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Refugees are a group at high nutrition risk. There is a strong duty of adequate nutritional care for institutionalised persons. The Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) is the largest member organisation for nutrition professionals in Australia. It is notable that DAA has been unable to identify significant input by nutrition professionals into the planning or provision of care for asylum… -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? - Summary Guide: Safety in Detention Centres
Throughout the course of the Inquiry, a number of serious disturbances occurred in immigration detention centres, including riots, fires, hunger strikes, protests, self-harm and suicide attempts. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission: Legal Professional Privilege (2007)
In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Comments on Transcripts of the Public hearings for DIMIA and ACM by Philippa Goodwin, Deputy Secretary DIMIA Comments on Transcript of the Public Hearing held in Sydney on 2 December 2002 Comments on Transcript of the Public Hearing held in Sydney on 3 December 2002 Comments on Transcript of the Public Hearing held in Sydney on 4 December 2002 Comments on Transcript of the Public Hearing… -
14 December 2012Book page
Preventing Crime and Promoting Rights for Indigenous Young People with Cognitive Disabilities and Mental Health Issues Part 1
This report provides an investigation of early intervention and diversionary practices aimed at preventing offending behaviour in Indigenous young people with a cognitive disability[1] and/ or a mental health problem. It builds on our previous report, Indigenous young people with cognitive disabilities and the Australian juvenile justice system.[2] Specifically, it examines what is available for…
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