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Education25 February 2014Publication
Human Rights Examples for the Australian Curriculum
Human Rights Examples for the Australian Curriculum (English, History, Geography, Science and Maths – Foundation to Year 10) -
23 January 2014Book page
4. What are the Commission’s concerns about TPVs?
The Commission raised serious concerns about TPVs when they were used in Australia (with similar conditions attached) from 1999 to 2008. [6] Based on the negative impacts of TPVs on refugees when they were last used, the Commission is concerned that the reintroduction of TPVs may lead to breaches of Australia’s international human rights obligations, for the following reasons. Mental health… -
Commission – General1 November 2019Publication
Annual Reports Index
Explore the history of the Human Rights Commission by viewing its annual reports index, which features reports from since the Commission's inception. -
Complaint Information Service29 July 2013Webpage
Complaints under the Sex Discrimination Act: Gender Identity
Learn everything you need to know about making a complaint regarding sex discrimination and harassment to the Australian Human Rights Commission. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Alternatives to detention
Learn about the alternatives to mandatory immigration detention that allow for the protection of the community while ensuring people are treated humanely. -
Commission – General23 October 2017Publication
Annual Report 2016-2017
This Annual Report sets out the performance of the Australian Human Rights Commission in the 2016–17 financial year. This year has been challenging and rewarding for the Commission. -
Rights and Freedoms13 May 2013Webpage
Scrutiny by human rights treaty bodies
Each of the main human rights treaties requires parties to submit regular reports to a specialist Committee on their implementation of their obligations. These Committees are composed of independent experts elected by the parties to the treaty. A number of eminent Australian experts have served on these Committees, including Professor Ivan Shearer (Member, Human RIghts Committee) Professor… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Permissible limitations on freedom to manifest religion or belief
Under article 18 of the ICCPR, any actions which fall within the four types of manifestation of belief (worship, observance, teaching and practice) can, in certain circumstances, be subject to limitation by the State. The freedom to manifest religion in sub-paragraph 18(1) is qualified by the limitations set out in sub-paragraph 18(3), including those which are ‘necessary to protect…the -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Freedom of movement
Back to rights and freedoms:right by right Article 12 | International scrutiny | Resources | Comments Article 12 ICCPR Article 12 states: Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own. The above-mentioned rights shall not… -
LGBTIQ+7 September 2017Publication
Religious exemptions under the SDA - Information Sheet (2017)
This information sheet gives an overview of the religious exemptions to unlawful discrimination in the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA). -
31 January 2013Webpage
1994 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners The 1994 Human Rights Awards presentation ceremony was attended by approximately 500 people at the ABC Centre in Sydney. The Attorney-General, the Hon Michael Lavarch, presented the 1994 Human Rights Medal to Dr
The 1994 Human Rights Awards presentation ceremony was attended by approximately 500 people at the ABC Centre in Sydney. The Attorney-General, the Hon Michael Lavarch, presented the 1994 Human Rights Medal to Dr Roberta Sykes. In addition to the Human Rights Medal, there were 15 awards covering four categories: Media, Literature and Other Writings, Film and Corporate. The Commission… -
31 January 2013Webpage
2010 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
2010 Human rIghts Meda Winner: Thérèse Rein the prestigious 2010 human rights medal Thérèse Rein for her longstanding work along side people with a disability. Click here for media release the young people’s human rights medal 25 year old Jack Manning Bancroft for his work with young indigenous Australians. the law award ( sponsored by the law council of australia) The Northern Australian -
29 January 2013Book page
Appendix G – After Hours Supervision – the Academy Duty Officer System
Formal arrangements for ‘after hours’ staff supervision at ADFA are set out in Chapter 5 the Academy Standing Orders (ASOs). This outlines the Academy Duty Officer System. ADFA advises that other staff are called in as required to deal with issues as they arise. For example, there is a duty padre and a duty psych that are always available by phone, and the DO, DSNCO or OC are called in to… -
29 January 2013Book page
Appendix L – List of Consultations (Interviews and Briefings)
Name Position Professor J. Arnold Deputy Rector, UNSW@ADFA MAJ J. Belanger Lecturer, Royal Military College Kingston, Canada WO1 K. Bullman OAM Regimental Sergeant Major, Royal Military College, Duntroon LTCOL M.A. (Rory) Colquhoun Chief of Staff, Royal Military College, Duntroon MAJGEN E. Cosson AM CSC General Manager, Executive Division, Department of Veterans’ Affairs MAJGEN M. Crane, AM,… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
2. I was employed from October 2000 to June 2001 by Australasian Correctional Management (ACM) at the Woomera Immigration Reception and Processing Centre (WIRPC) as a Medical Officer. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
1. In my evidence before the Commission on Friday 31 May 2002 I noted that the number of children in refugee detention centres in Australia had fallen from 582 to 184 over the past 6 months but that 351 children remained in detention on Nauru and Manus Island as part of the ‘Pacific Solution’. -
14 December 2012Book page
Indigenous Deaths in Custody: Introduction
‘The use of the word implemented…seems entirely inappropriate as I understand the meaning of the word. The facts are that… a number of those recommendations ...have not been implemented.’ -
14 December 2012Book page
Dear Colleague - Our experiences in elevating the representation of women in leadership - A letter from business leaders (2011)
The Male Champions of Change (MCC) is a collaborative initiative of corporate and institutional leaders convened by Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission. We are committed to discussing and promoting strategies and actions that elevate women’s representation in leadership. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
CHAMPS is a project for young people aged between 13 and 18 in the Murraylands Region of South Australia. CHAMPS holds youth forums twice each school term informally discussing youth issues in the area. Thirty young people from different cultural and social backgrounds throughout the region make up the forum. Issues like mental health and peer support are discussed. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2006: Information Sheet 6: Recommendations
That there be established a regular federal parliamentary committee of inquiry into the progress of the new arrangements in Indigenous affairs and progress in achieving whole-of-government service delivery to Indigenous communities.