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Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
About Disability Rights
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 protects individuals across Australia from direct and indirect discrimination in many parts of public life, such as employment, education and access to premises. -
Legal21 October 2015Publication
HG v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP)
Explore the case of HG v. Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP). -
Legal21 October 2015Publication
Rahimi (deceased) v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP)
View a report into the arbitrary detention case of Rahimi (deceased) v Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Immigration and Border Protection. -
Sex Discrimination31 July 2017Publication
Change The Course: National Report on Sexual Assault and Harassment
At the request of Australia’s 39 universities, the Australian Human Rights Commission conducted a national, independent survey of university students to gain greater insight into the nature, prevalence and reporting of sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities. -
Commission – General19 August 2015Publication
Corporate Plan 2015-2016
This Corporate Plan sets out the strategic direction and priorities of the Commission four the next four years. It creates an explicit connection between the public reporting of our corporate goals, our operational environment, key activities for the coming year and annual performance reporting. -
Disability Rights12 June 2015Publication
Issues paper: Employment discrimination against Australians with disability
This Paper is one of two Issues Papers for the Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against Older Australians and Australians with Disability. This paper focuses on issues facing persons with disability, while the other focuses on issues facing older Australians. Each paper recognises the distinct challenges and resulting impacts experienced by older Australians and… -
Age Discrimination12 June 2015Publication
Issues paper: Employment discrimination against older Australians
This Paper is the one of two Issues Papers for the Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against Older Australians and Australians with Disability. This paper focuses on issues facing older Australians, while the other focuses on issues facing persons with disability. Each paper recognises the distinct challenges and resulting impacts experienced by older Australians… -
Human Resources18 March 2015Webpage
Explore jobs at the Commission, including policy, HR, communications, finance, IT, legal, investigation and conciliation services and office admin roles. -
Rights and Freedoms11 March 2015Opinion piece
Is freedom under pressure globally?
Behind human rights is the still revolutionary idea that every human being is free and equal, that individuals own their own bodies and should be free to pursue their lives, opportunities and enterprise. Human rights provide the foundation for our liberal democracy, our market economy and our civil society. It was the signing 800 years ago of the Magna Carta, or Great Charter of 1215, by… -
Employers18 February 2015Webpage
Good Practice, Good Business factsheets
The Good Practice, Good Business factsheets help you to promote diversity and prevent discrimination in your workplace. Download them now. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice11 February 2015Opinion piece
We must keep striving to close the gap in Indigenous health
"Just in the last week, three of my closest friends and a relative have been diagnosed with cancer. This is not an uncommon story, to be – as a community – constantly in grief, loss and trauma." These words, from Janine Mohamed, chief executive of the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives, will be familiar to our communities across Australia. As will her… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice11 February 2015Publication
Close the Gap - Progress and priorities report 2015
In the spirit of an open and constructive dialogue between government, the wider community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the Close the Gap Campaign annually produces this progress and priorities report alongside the Prime Minister’s report. -
6 February 2015Book page
Appendix 7 – Departmental policies and procedures
7.1 Framework of Detention 7.2 Children’s Unit 7.3 Treatment of children 7.4 Case managers 7.5 Service providers 7.6 Education 7.7 Child protection The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has provided the Commission with various documents which set out the legal, policy, procedural and training requirements which guide the Department and service provider staff. This Appendix is… -
Rights and Freedoms19 January 2015Opinion piece
Charlie Hebdo V 18C: no contest
Charlie Hebdo would have risked being censored by the courts, but self-censorship is the reality of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. -
Technology and Human Rights24 July 2018Publication
Issues Paper: Human Rights and Technology
Learn more about how your human rights may be impacted by technology in the Commission's Issue Paper. -
Race Discrimination16 December 2014Webpage
What is racism?
Racism is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race. Racism is more than just prejudice in thought or action. It occurs when this prejudice – whether individual or institutional – is accompanied by the power to discriminate against, oppress or limit the rights of others. -
Sex Discrimination4 December 2014Project
Violence against women
Violence against women continues to be one of the most prevalent human rights abuses in Australia, and around the world. -
13 November 2014Book page
President’s statement
This year the Commission finalised its strategic vision for the coming four-year period. The Strategic Plan 2014-2018 provides a roadmap for all our activities and meets the Commission’s new legal obligations under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth). Over the next four years the Commission will work on three core priorities: human rights education and… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees10 October 2014Opinion piece
Magna Carta shelters asylum-seekers
NEXT year is the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, signed reluctantly by King John at the demand of his rebellious barons in 1215. Buried in the middle of this foundational document of English constitutional law — setting out the single measure for wine and ale and the rights of widows on the death of their husband — are these words: “No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised… -
26 March 2014Book page
Chapter 1: Audit approach and methodology
The ADF Audit began at the end of August 2013, one year from the tabling of the ADF Review’s Report, in accordance with the Terms of Reference. While the ADF Review’s Report was broad in scope, the approach of the ADF Audit was necessarily more specific. Accordingly, the team conducting the Audit sought to gather evidence of the implementation of the recommendations contained in the ADF…