Refine results
Legal28 March 2018Media Release
Pathways to Justice - ALRC report welcomed by Commissioner June Oscar AO
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO has urged Federal, State and Territory governments to genuinely consider the Australian Law Reform Commission’s report into the over-representation of Indigenous people in custody. The report, tabled in Federal Parliament today, contains 35 recommendations to address community safety and imprisonment rates… -
25 September 2013Book page
9 Conclusion
It is clear that the Internet provides unparalleled opportunities for the promotion and advancement of human rights, most centrally the right to seek, receive and impart information. The Special Rapporteur on that right has described the Internet as ‘one of the most powerful instruments of the 21st century for increasing transparency in the conduct of the powerful, access to information, and… -
Commission – General9 September 2013Webpage
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Download the invitation to sponsor document For more information contact our team on Sponsors Deadly Vibe Group - sponsor of Print and Online Media Award Vibe Australia is a dynamic Aboriginal media, communications and events management agency with an extensive history of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander … -
Commission – General9 September 2013Webpage
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Download the invitation to sponsor document For more information contact our team on Sponsors Deadly Vibe Group - sponsor of Print and Online Media Award [[{"fid" -
Children's Rights4 September 2013Submission
AHRC response to Working With Children Check
Read the Australian Human Rights Commission’s response to the Working with Children Check. -
Legal6 August 2013Submission
Australian Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Gender: Consultation Draft
Examine the draft guidelines on the recognition of gender by the Australian government. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Strengthening Human Rights Education in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum: Foundation to Year 10
Discover how to strengthen human rights education in health and physical education. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Inquiry into Warrant Powers and Procedures
Discover the key points from the inquiry into warrant powers and procedures and their human rights implications. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Inquiry into the Correctional Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2006
Understand the implications of the Correctional Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 on human rights. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Inquiry into Children, Young People and the Built Environment
Learn about the impact of the built environment on children and young people. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
The Inquiry into the 2007 Federal Election
Legal17 July 2013Submission
The Inquiry into the 2007 Federal Election
Explore the submission on the 2007 federal election and its human rights implications. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Sentencing of Federal Offenders
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Submission to the Family Law Council Discussion Paper on Relocation
Examine the Family Law Council’s discussion paper on relocation and its human rights implications. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee inquiry into Australia’s refugee and humanitarian program
Understand the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee inquiry and its impact on human rights. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry Criminal Code Amendment (Suicide Related Material Offences) Bill 2004
Explore the detailed submission on the Criminal Code Amendment and understand its implications on human rights. -
Legal17 July 2013Submission
Submission of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) to the Australia 2020 Summit April 2008
Read the submission by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission on various human rights issues. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees16 July 2013Publication
Review of Immigration Detention Centres (1999)
Findings of the Human Rights Commissioner after inspecting four immigration detention centres in 1998-99. -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Indirect Discrimination
Indirect discrimination occurs when a seemingly neutral rule or policy disproportionately affects people with specific attributes (e.g. sex, disability). It’s unlawful if based on protected characteristics. -
Disability Rights18 February 2015Webpage
Disability discrimination
Learn about how it's against the law to discriminate against a person with a disability by reading the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA).