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27 March 2015Book page
6 Appendix A – submissions
The Human Rights Commissioner received submissions from the following people and organisations. 1. Ken Grundy 2. Tim Walsh 3. Judith Sloan, The Australian 4. Rodney Crisp – The right to life and death 5. Freedom 4 Faith 6. Rodney Crisp – A national constitutionally-entrenched bill of rights 7. Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney 8. World Society of Victimology 9. Central Australian Women’s… -
Legal26 March 2015Submission
Australia’s Second Universal Periodic Review
Read Australia's second Universal Periodic Review submission. -
Legal16 July 2013Webpage
Notice of Grant of Temporary Exemption: Brisbane City Council
Employers19 February 2015Quick Guide
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour where a reasonable person would have anticipated the possibility that the person harassed would feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It has nothing to do with mutual attraction or consensual behaviour. Examples of sexual harassment include: staring, leering or unwelcome touching suggestive comments or jokes unwanted… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
The type of policies your organisation should put in place will depend on the needs and circumstances of your particular workplace. Some organisations choose to have a single workplace policy which prohibits discrimination, bullying, and harassment on a range of grounds, including a person’s sex, race, disability, age or sexual orientation. Others may decide there is a need for an additional… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Inherent Requirements
Discrimination in employment because of a person’s age or disability is against the law in many circumstances. However, it may not be unlawful to refuse to employ a person if, because of their age or disability, they are unable to carry out the inherent requirements – or essential duties – of the job. The inherent requirements of a job will vary depending on what the job is. They may include… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Harassment can be against the law when a person is treated less favourably on the basis of certain personal characteristics, such as race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, breastfeeding, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status. Some limited exemptions and exceptions apply. Harassment can include behaviour such as: telling insulting jokes about particular racial… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Disability Discrimination in the workplace
Explore the Australian Human Rights Commission’s guide to disability discrimination laws, covering protections, reasonable adjustments, and positive discrimination. -
Employers17 February 2015Quick Guide
Dating in the Workplace
It is common for relationships and attractions to develop in the workplace. As an employer, it is important to ensure that these circumstances do not lead to incidents of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour where a reasonable person would have anticipated the possibility that the person harassed would feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It… -
Employers13 February 2015Quick Guide
Complaints made to the Australian Human Rights Commission
A complaint of discrimination or harassment can be made to the Australian Human Rights Commission about an issue covered by federal anti-discrimination law. Under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act, the Commission can also investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying in employment based on a person’s criminal record, trade union activity, political… -
12 June 2013Webpage
Submission on Anti-Genocide Bill 1999
Submission by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee Inquiry into the Anti-Genocide Bill 1999 (February 2000) Submission covers The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and its previous discussions of genocide. The background and coverage of the Genocide Convention. Defining Genocide and the Commission’s -
Rights and Freedoms11 June 2013Webpage
Australia's 1st National Human Rights Action Plan (1994)
In 1994 Australia was the first nation in the world to provide a National Action Plan on Human Rights. This Plan is now difficult to find on Australian Government or United Nations sites and so it is attached here in MS Word and PDF formats for convenient access together with a 1995 update. Australia: Initial Human Rights Action Plan (Word) or PDF 1995 update (Word) or PDF -
27 January 2015Book page
2 Introduction
2.1 What is Workplace Diversity? The term diversity refers to what makes us different. It covers gender, age, language, disability, ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation and religious belief. Diversity also refers to our many other differences in education, work experience, occupation, socio-economic background, marital status and whether or not we have family and carer -
Rights and Freedoms16 May 2013Webpage
Commission reports raising ICCPR Article 7 issues
No. 46: Yousefi family v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) (2011)Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; detention disproportionate to Commonwealth’s objectives; best interests of child and right to care and protection; access to health care and educationHuman rights considered: ICCPR Articles 7, 9, 10; CRC Articles 3.1, 3.2, 24.1, 28.1, 37(a), 37(c) No. 35… -
Commission – General3 May 2013Webpage
RightsTalk: Jeremy Fernandez biography
Learn about Jeremy Fernandez, who is a journalist and presenter with ABC News. He joined the network's Sydney bureau in 2009 after returning from London. -
Education8 April 2016Webpage
Join a Human Rights Group
There are many organisations within Australia that promote social justice and human rights issues. Some even have programs that are specifically designed for younger people. Listed below are a few of the organisations worth checking out. Amnesty International Amnesty International is an advocacy group that regularly campaigns on a range of issues designed to protect and defend human rights… -
Children's Rights11 March 2013Webpage
Explore comprehensive guides on children's rights, including resources for students, teachers, and parents, provided by the Australian Human Rights Commission. -
Sex Discrimination28 February 2013Webpage
Access comprehensive guides on sex discrimination laws and rights in Australia, empowering equality and justice for all genders. -
Sex Discrimination30 August 2018Media Release
Commissioner appears before CEDAW Committee at the UN
Tuesday, 20 July 2010 The Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, has appeared before the United Nations Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in New York this week. Enshrined within the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women are the key principles of equality and an agenda for national… -
Legal18 November 2014Submission
Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Character and General Visa Cancellation) Bill 2014
Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Character and General Visa Cancellation) Bill 2014 Submission by the Australian Human Rights Commission 28 October 2014 Download PDF Download Word