Refine results
Employers19 February 2015Quick Guide
Every organisation aims to recruit the best person for the job. That’s why it is important to be able to select from the widest possible range of applicants. Recruitment processes that are discriminatory reduce an employer’s opportunity to find the best person for the job. Employers who are recruiting staff should be aware of their responsibilities under federal anti-discrimination laws… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Questions in Job Interviews
Asking applicants certain questions in a job interview may disadvantage some people and could amount to discrimination. Employers are required by law to avoid discrimination when recruiting staff. Employers should not seek unnecessary and potentially discriminatory information from applicants when they develop selection criteria or prepare interview questions. It could be discrimination if … -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Treating someone differently because of the language that they speak may be against the law. Find out more in this quick guide for employers. -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Job Advertisements
How a position is advertised is crucial to attracting the right sort of people for the job. A good advertisement will focus exclusively on the essential skills and abilities needed to do the job. Only refer to personal characteristics, such as age, sex, marital status or race, if they are part of the genuine requirements of the job. A discriminatory advertisement can limit the range of… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Dress Code
Employers often set rules regarding how their employees are expected to dress in the workplace. Employers should ensure that any dress code they propose does not amount to discrimination. Discrimination is against the law if a person is treated unfairly because of a protected characteristic, such as his or her race, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Direct Discrimination
Understanding Direct Discrimination. Learn about unlawful treatment based on protected characteristics. -
Employers18 February 2015Webpage
Business and Human Rights Factsheets
Explore publications by the Australian Human Rights Commission on how businesses can integrate human rights principles into their business practice. -
Employers13 February 2015Quick Guide
Criminal Record
Obtain information and practical guidance on how to prevent criminal record discrimination in the workplace. -
Employers13 February 2015Quick Guide
Complaints – Internal Complaints Processes
Establishing a process to resolve complaints of discrimination and harassment can improve staff satisfaction and help avoid complaints to external agencies or other legal action. Under federal anti-discrimination laws, if an organisation argues that the organisation should not be held liable for any discrimination or harassment by one of its employees, the organisation will need to… -
11 June 2013Webpage
Australia's 2nd National Human Rights Action Plan
A second National Action Plan for Australia was released in 2004 by Prime Minister John Howard and provided to the United Nations. This Plan is dificult to find on Australian Government or United Nations sites. It is linked from this page in PDF and MS Word formats for ease of access. -
16 May 2013Project
Supporting participation in key international forums
The Commission welcomes proposals for funding to support the participation of people with disability and organisations representing people with disability to attend key international forums on human rights -
Education3 May 2013Webpage
RightsTalk: Professor Geoff Gallop AC biography
Explore the biography of Professor Geoff Gallop AC, who chairs the Australia Awards Board and was Deputy Chair of COAG Reform Council from 2007 to 2011. -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Right to social security
Back to rights and freedoms: right by right ICESCR Article 9 states: The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to social security, including social insurance. More information Attorney-Generals Department Guidance Sheet -
Legal5 April 2013Submission
Native Title Amendment Bill 2012
AHRC submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee on the Native Title Amendment Bill 2012 -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice28 February 2013Webpage
Wiyi Yani U Thangani Community Guide (2020) Close the Gap: 10 Year Review (2018) Targeted recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: A guideline for employers (2015) Social Justice and Native Title Reports United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -
Rights and Freedoms27 March 2019Webpage
How are human rights protected in Australian law?
Australia lacks a Bill of Rights, but there are safeguards through the Constitution and legislation. Understand the role of the Commission. -
Legal18 November 2014Submission
Australian Citizenship and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
Australian Citizenship and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 Submission by the Australian Human Rights Commission 6 November 2014 Download PDF Download Word -
Legal18 November 2014Submission
Review of parentage laws
Learn about the review of parentage laws. -
Legal11 February 2016Submission
Criminal Code Amendment (Firearms Trafficking) Bill 2015
Examine the submission on the Criminal Code Amendment (Firearms Trafficking) Bill 2015. -
Legal11 February 2016Submission
Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (Powers) Bill 2015
Understand the implications of the Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (Powers) Bill 2015.