Refine results
Commission – General21 November 2013Webpage
Past talks
Disability Rights1 September 2018Webpage
Disability Rights: Inquiries and consultations
This page is the main entry point for information about and participation in current public inquiry and consultation processes by the Commission in the disability rights area. -
15 June 2015Book page
10 How can you participate in the National Inquiry?
Individuals and organisations interested in participating in the National Inquiry can do so through consultations or by making a submission. The information collected through the consultations and submissions process will be used for the purposes of understanding the issues and may be drawn upon, quoted or referred to in the National Inquiry’s report. The Commission’s submission policy… -
15 June 2015Book page
10 How can you participate in the National Inquiry?
Individuals and organisations interested in participating in the National Inquiry can do so through consultations or by making a submission. The information collected through the consultations and submissions process will be used for the purposes of understanding the issues and may be drawn upon, quoted or referred to in the National Inquiry’s report. The Commission’s submission policy… -
Commission – General5 November 2013Webpage
Upcoming talks
Commission – General31 October 2013Webpage
Next Talk
Next talk to add in here... -
Commission – General31 October 2013Webpage
RightsTalk Front Page
Test content -
28 October 2013Book page
Appendix 2: Timeline of key developments since the introduction of mandatory immigration detention in Australia
28 October 2013Book page
Appendix 3: Australia’s immigration detention facilities
4 September 2014Book page
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25 September 2013Book page
11 Further information
As mentioned above, the Commission has worked and continues to work on a range of human rights issues connected with the Internet. Further information can be found on the Commission’s webpage ‘Human rights and the Internet’, at This includes links to the Commission’s work relating to: access and accessibility for people with disability… -
10 April 2015Book page
3 Key national priorities, initiatives and commitments
The Commission is an ‘A status’ national human rights institution established and operating in full compliance with the Paris Principles. The sufficiency of funding and staffing for the Commission was called into question during Australia’s UPR. ACHRA encourages the Australian Government, through the regular federal budget process, to ensure the Commission continues to operate as an… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice6 November 2017Webpage
Join the conversation
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, June Oscar invites all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls (12 – 17 years) to join the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) conversation. The Commissioner and her team will be travelling throughout Australia to speak directly with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and from February 2018 to… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Political Opinion
It can be discrimination when a person does not experience equal opportunity in employment because of his or her political opinion. This may include being refused a job, being dismissed from employment, being denied training opportunities or being harassed at work. The Commission may investigate complaints of discrimination in employment based on political opinion and, where appropriate, try… -
LGBTIQ+3 July 2018Webpage
Brotherboys, sistergirls and LGBT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Brotherboys, sistergirls and other LGBT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience a number of significant and intersecting points of discrimination and marginalisation in Australia. The Commission’s Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Intersex Rights report considered the intersecting issues of racism, homophobia and transphobia faced by these… -
LGBTIQ+3 July 2018Webpage
LGBT older people
Older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or gender diverse or intersex can face particular issues later in life, especially in accessing safe and inclusive aged care services. The Commission has highlighted some of these concerns in previous reports.* The Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Intersex Rights report raised the following concerns: Older… -
27 January 2015Book page
4 Accountability
The President and Commissioners are ultimately responsible for our Diversity Strategy and how it is implemented in the Commission. In practice, on a day to day basis, the Executive Director has responsibility for ensuring the most effective diversity related outcomes are delivered. The Commission has established a Diversity Committee to assist in developing, implementing and monitoring this… -
Race Discrimination3 October 2017Webpage
What does the law say?
The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 makes racial discrimination and racial hatred unlawful in public places. It protects everyone in Australia from discrimination based on race and guarantees that everyone enjoys equality before the law, regardless of their racial background. Areas where racial discrimination is specifically unlawful include: access to places and facilities; land, housing and… -
Legal12 June 2018Project
Uber Eats exemption
The Commission is interested in receiving submissions from interested people and parties about whether this temporary exemption should be granted. -
Commission – General24 December 2012Webpage
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