Refine results
9 May 2024Conciliation register
The complainant is deaf and uses a cochlear implant. She alleged the respondent motel informed her she would not be able to bring her service dog with her because it did not allow pets in guest rooms. On being notified of the complaint, the motel indicated a willingness to participate in conciliation. The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the motel write to the complainant… -
Children's Rights27 October 2020Submission
Education in Remote and Complex Environments (2020)
The Commission has for many years highlighted concerns that geographical location can impact negatively on the ability of people to have their rights realised, including the right to education. -
11 February 2014Book page
3 Police, courts and corrections – the issues
3.1 General findings In our consultations the Commission received information from people with disabilities and their advocates, support services in the community and in government and people in the police, courts and the custody and release system. The Commission also received many submissions and held a number of meetings with community members and public officials who work in or with the … -
Commission – General7 September 2020E-bulletin (Monthly)
September ebulletin
However, given the extraordinary circumstances of 2020 we believe a new and different approach is needed to celebrate the many human rights heroes who have emerged this year. -
Rights and Freedoms31 August 2020Submission
Review of the ‘declared areas’ provisions (2020)
The Commission considers that the declared areas provisions place significant restrictions on the human rights of persons affected by them. -
Disability Rights1 May 2024Webpage
Your rights as an employee under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
Learn about the Disability Discrimination Act, what you can do if you experience discrimination and how to make a complaint to the Commission. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
"There have been times in our history when Australia has been generous and open hearted and times when it has been very mean. In 1938 at the Evian Conference about dealing with Jewish and other refugees from Hitler, Australia took a flint hearted position, saying that we did not want to import Europe's problems, or to increase racial differences, and that refugees should get back in the… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Findings from the national inquiry into children in immigration detention, revealing key issues. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Chapter 12
Securing sustainable and just economic outcomes for Aboriginal traditional owners and residential communities in the remote regions of the Northern Territory has been an elusive goal for national and Territory governments, various public agencies and community groups for many years. The increasing value and intact environmental nature of much of the Indigenous estate across the North of Australia… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Australian Council of Human Rights Agencies (ACHRA) - UPR Progress Report (2011)
The Australian Government is to be commended for its frank and robust engagement in the UPR process to date, both in the formal working group session and in engaging with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), NGOs and civil society throughout the process. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Commission submissions: Mulrunji
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘the Commission’) seeks leave to appear in this inquest pursuant to s 36(1)(c) of the Coroners Act 2003 (Qld) (‘the Coroners Act’). -
Disability Rights30 April 2024Webpage
Establishing a Disability Employee Network
Learn about establishing a Disability Employee Network - an employee-led group championing the inclusion of people with disability within their workplace. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Learn about the national inquiry into children in immigration detention. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Consultation on exposure draft National Human Rights Action Plan
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Attorney-General’s Department on the exposure draft of a new Human Rights National Action Plan which the Department has issued for comment. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Water Amendment Bill 2008
The Commission supports and commends the relevant state governments’ and the ACT government’s progress in referring constitutional powers to the Commonwealth, enabling water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin to be managed in the national interest, optimising environmental, economic and social outcomes. -
14 December 2012Book page
Chapter 1 - Introduction: Social Justice Report 2008
A united Australia which represents this land of ours; values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and provides justice and equity for all. Vision of Reconciliation, Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation.[1] -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Commission submissions:the Queen
Apart from the express statutory authority for such intervention it would appear that the non party intervention may only be allowed where the intervener can provide arguments or facts which will contribute to the Court's reaching an informed decision, and where the significance of those arguments or facts is sufficient to outweigh any expense and/or delay which may be caused to the parties by… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Learn about the national inquiry into children in immigration detention. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry on Employment and Disability Interim Report: chapter 6
Discussion about people with disability in the open workplace tends to focus on whether a person can find a job, rather than keep a job. While successfully obtaining a job is clearly the first step for a person seeking employment in the open workplace, it is only the first step. -
Business and Human Rights9 December 2021Publication
FIFA 2023 Women’s World Cup Human Rights Risk Assessment (2021)
The AHRC and NZHRC have been asked by FIFA to conduct an independent human rights risk assessment in preparation for the tournament (Human Rights Risk Assessment).