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30 September 2024
Shaping_Perceptions_Full_Report 2024
The focus of this report is on how the Australian media reports on ageing and older persons.This research involved a review of literature and media reportage on age-related topics by key media outlets in Australia. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with journalists, presenters, editors and producers across Australian media networks as well as with academics and corporate… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 September 2023Speech
CEW Leadership Summit
Introduction in language Hello everyone. I acknowledge the traditional custodians of Naarm, all the Countries of the Kulin Nations, and I pay my respects to Elder’s past, present and emerging. I recognise our First Women, our mothers, sisters, aunties, and daughters who have cared for our communities, shared knowledge and culture, and nurture future generations through women’s ways of… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice9 July 2021Speech
LISTEN. THINK. TRUST. ACT. DIFFERENTLY. Intersectional Movements and a Gender Equal and Just Futures
Panel: Think: Associate Professor Chelsea Watego Trust: Aunty Jackie Huggins, Co-chair Treaty Advancement Committee Act: June Oscar, Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission I want to acknowledge the lands we all stand on—all our elders past, present and emerging, wherever we are beaming in from today. Good morning everyone. I am really happy to be here and… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 August 2023Webpage
The Uluru Statement from the Heart
The Uluru Statement from the Heart (the Statement) is an invitation from a group of First Nations people to non-Indigenous Australians. Shared in 2017, the Statement calls for substantive reform to help realise Indigenous rights, through the establishment of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and a Makarrata Commission, to undertake processes of agreement-making (treaty) and truth-telling. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice11 March 2021Speech
June Oscar's IWD Speech for Children's Ground
Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Bunuba yani U. I acknowledge all the traditional countries that we gather on today, and pay my respects to our elders everywhere, past, present and emerging. Happy International Women’s Week 2021! I really thank Jane and all the team, children and families of Children’s Ground for designing this event, and recognising the vital importance… -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant’s son is an Australian citizen who was born outside Australia. She alleged he was unable to be considered for an internship with the respondent engineering company because he was born outside Australia. The engineering company said it had obligations to its stakeholders that required strict recruitment processes. However, after considering the issues raised in the complaint,… -
Age Discrimination14 October 2024Speech
Age Discrimination Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald's Press club address
Why Australia Needs Ageism Awareness Day Shared Presentation with Dr Marlene Krasovitsky from EveryAGE Counts Wednesday, 25 September 2024 Check against delivery Introduction Thank you Marlene. It is a great joy to be here at this significant event. This is my third appearance at the National Press Club, but I'm now about 30 years older than the last time, so it's good to be back as an older… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice31 July 2023Webpage
Voice Referendum: Understanding the referendum from a human rights perspective
The Commission has produced a resource kit to encourage the Australian public to consider the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum through a human rights lens. The resources seek to minimise harm by encouraging cultural humility and focusing the conversation on human rights principles as they relate to the referendum and proposed Voice to Parliament. -
Commission – General11 September 2024E-bulletin (Monthly)
September 2024: Commission News | President's Message
Dear friends, It was good to reflect at the recent Law Institute of Victoria Legal Sector Dinner on access to justice, the role of lawyers and the law. Too often our legal system delivers unequal access to justice – different standards of justice depending on who you are, where you live and how much is in your bank account. Laws granting people rights are meaningless if people can’t enforce… -
Sex Discrimination28 November 2022Media Release
Passage of ‘Respect@Work’ Bill is a major step in preventing harassment
The Bill creates a positive duty requiring employers to implement measures to prevent sexual harassment, sex discrimination and victimisation, and confers new regulatory powers on the Commission. -
Children's Rights10 July 2024Media Release
National Children’s Commissioner calls for children to be recognised as victims in their own right
The tragic deaths of three children in Sydney’s west over the weekend is yet another reminder of the fact that children are not just ‘witnesses’ of domestic, family and sexual violence - they are victims in their own right. -
16 March 2022Conciliation register
The complainant is paraplegic and uses a wheelchair. He alleged that the respondent council built a bridge that is not compliant with the relevant disability standard. He claimed pedestrians using wheelchairs were required to cross to roads, whereas pedestrians not using mobility aids were not required to do so. The council claimed the disability standard did not apply to the bridge, but… -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant’s sex assigned at birth was female but they identify as non-binary/gender-fluid and is attracted to women. The complainant wished to attend an event hosted by the respondent. The website stated that the dress code was formal and that women must wear a dress and men must wear pants. The complainant alleged the respondent declined their request to wear a shirt and pants. The -
Age Discrimination22 August 2022Project
Positive ageing
Having positive beliefs about ageing has been shown to be associated with better physical health, psychological wellbeing, increased longevity, and reduced dementia risk among older people. -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant said he was initially denied entry to a club operated by the respondent company because he was wearing a sleeveless top. He changed into a shirt with sleeves in order to be admitted into the club premises. He said once in the club, he observed many women wearing sleeveless garments. The complainant said the club manager responded to his feedback on the issue by confirming he… -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant has macula degeneration, which causes vision loss. The respondent transportation company terminated the complainant’s employment as an engineer at the end of his probation period. The complainant alleged the company failed to provide him with timely feedback on his performance and failed to provide him with adjustments to enable him to perform the inherent requirements of his… -
Sex Discrimination21 June 2019Publication
Independent review of residential colleges at the Uni of New England
The Australian Human Rights Commission (‘the Commission’) was engaged by the University of New England (UNE) to undertake an independent, expert led review of the seven residential colleges at UNE. The review process led to a comprehensive understanding of: the culture at each of the seven UNE colleges, specifically in relation to attitudes towards women, sexual assault and sexual harassment -
Sex Discrimination1 July 2020Opinion piece
Sexual harassment is prevalent across all industries and sectors. We can and must stop it
Sexual harassment is prevalent across all industries and sectors. We can and must stop it. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice9 August 2019Speech
Reflections: Our Health, Our Way conference
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO addressed the AMSANT Our Health Our Way Conference in the Alice Springs on August 7. The topic was 'Personal Reflection'. Jalangurru maninga balanggarri. Yaningi yatharra ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu Arrente yani U. I acknowledge the Arrente people, and all of you and your families and elders past, present… -
Disability Rights29 October 2019Speech
Inclusive education: Why silence and inaction is not the answer
DR BEN GAUNTLETT DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION COMMISSIONER AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION QUEEN VICTORIA WOMEN'S CENTRE, MELBOURNE 28 OCTOBER 2019 Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, I acknowledge my deep respect to the traditional owners of the land on which the Queen Victoria’s Women Centre is situated, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation. I pay respect to their Elders past …