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Disability Rights5 April 2024Webpage
Simon McKeon
Discover IncludeAbility Ambassador Simon McKeon, diagnosed with MS over 20 years ago he says organisations need to appreciate the value of people with disabilities. -
25 July 2022Webpage
Training by topic
Enhance your knowledge of human rights. Topics include anti-racism training, disability rights training, sexual harassment prevention training, older workers rights, discrimination, bullying, and harassment prevention training, and contact officer training. Choose from a range of delivery modes, including online eLearning, virtual and in-person workshops. -
1 August 2014Book page
Chapter 4: Experiences of employers in managing pregnancy, parental leave and return to work after parental leave
In summary Employers identified several challenges in managing pregnancy/return to work issues, including: Confusion and uncertainty about their legal obligations, and about employee rights Managing the uncertainty that can surround pregnancy/return to work issues, especially regarding timeframes, employees’ return to work and employees’ requests to work flexibly or part-time Limiting the… -
14 December 2012Book page
In South Australia, the general terms 'advance directive', or 'living will', usually refer to any written statement that expresses a person's wishes and/or directions whilst of sound mind (ie not mentally incapacitated*), in advance of any possible loss of decision making ability that may occur in the future. Of the advance directives made by South Australians, only the following are legally… -
Children's Rights1 December 2016Publication
What does the Children's Rights Report 2016 say?
Every year, the National Children's Commissioner provides a child-friendly version of her Children’s Rights Report. This is the child friendly version of the 2016 report, which looked into the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) in the context of children and young people detained in youth justice centres or adult facilities. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Envisaging a Fairer Australia: Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday
I would like to begin by acknowledging the Kaurna peoples on whose land we meet this evening. I also thank Katrina Power for her warm welcome to country. -
Children's Rights1 November 2023Publication
Building belonging
A toolkit for early childhood educators on cultural diversity and responding to prejudice. See more. -
Children's Rights1 December 2014Speech
Children's Week 2014: Discussion on the UNCRC 25 years on and the right to be heard
Megan Mitchell National Children's Commissioner Australian Human Rights Commission Introduction to Children’s Week 2014Good afternoon everyone and thank you Robyn for the introduction.I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and where children have been raised and cared for for thousands of years, and pay my respects to their elders both past… -
Children's Rights1 December 2014Speech
Children's Week 2014: Discussion on the UNCRC 25 years on and the right to be heard
Megan Mitchell National Children's Commissioner Australian Human Rights Commission Introduction to Children’s Week 2014Good afternoon everyone and thank you Robyn for the introduction.I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and where children have been raised and cared for for thousands of years, and pay my respects to their elders both past… -
Rights and Freedoms29 July 2024Teachers Article
Let's Talk About...
Explore the Let's Talk About... suite of resources for primary school students. Featuring videos and interactive activities across the topics of equality and equity, education, refugees, disability, and bodies, identity, and sexuality. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
(b) Use, disclosure and access to personal information (whether relating to a living or a deceased individual) Proposals 3-11, 12-8, 22 and 26-1 -
14 December 2012Book page
Stories of discrimination
In 2006, the Commission conducted a National Inquiry into discrimination against people in same-sex relationships regarding access to financial and work-related entitlements and benefits. The inquiry is known as the Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Inquiry (the Inquiry). -
Legal14 December 2012Speech
Law Seminar 2008: Housing and Homelessness – What’s Human Rights got to do with It? by Cassandra Goldie
Paper presented at the Homelessness and Human Rights Seminar Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 12.30 – 2pm, Monday 7 April 2008 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Publication
Social Justice Report 1998
Social Justice Report 1998 Download Social Justice Report 1998 in PDF (420K), Word (475K) Contents Letter of submission Foreword Introduction: A Handful of Soil Chapter 1: The Aftermath for Indigenous Peoples Chapter 2: Non-Indigenous Community Responses Chapter 3: Church Responses Chapter 4: Government Responses to the Recommendations of Bringing Them Home Appendix 1: Letters to the Editor… -
Legal30 April 2024Submission
Public Sector Whistleblowing Reforms - Stage 2
The Australian Human Rights Commission (Commission) makes this submission to the Attorney-General’s Department in relation to its November 2023 consultation paper on the second stage of public sector whistleblowing reforms, aimed at improving the effectiveness and accessibility of protections for whistleblowers. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the launch of the report of the national inquiry into the human rights of people with mental illness. This report is the result of extensive research; public hearings in all States and Territories; and oral evidence and written submissions from over 1300 witnesses. I have been extremely fortunate to have the assistance of two commissioners with a… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2005 : Annexure 4 : Chronology of events in native title 1 July 2004 - 30 June 2005
This table includes summaries of every native title determination that occurred during this period, and notable or interesting agreements; it does not include every Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) registered or other native title agreements made over this period, due to the large volume. A snapshot of applications, determinations and ILUAs from this period is provided at the end of this… -
Technology and Human Rights10 July 2024Submission
Online Safety
Learn more about the statutory review of the Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) and how it can better protect human rights. -
Children's Rights18 December 2015Publication
What does the Children’s Rights Report 2015 say?
In 2015 the National Children’s Commissioner conducted a national investigation into the impact of family and domestic violence on children. This version is for children and young people. -
17 September 2013Book page
Who we are
The role of the Australian Human Rights Commission is to see that human rights and fundamental freedoms are understood and respected in law, policy and practice. The Commission is independent from government, with a legislative mandate, and recognised internationally as an ‘A Status’ National Human Rights Institution. We strive to resolve complaints, encourage positive law reform and build a…