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Legal18 April 2017Publication
Ms AR on behalf of Mr AS, Master AT and Miss AU v Commonwealth (DIBP)
Understand the case of Ms. AR on behalf of Mr. Master and Miss AU v. Commonwealth (DIBP). -
Legal18 April 2017Publication
Bakhtiari v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP)
Explore a report by the Human Rights Commission into arbitrary detention in the case of Bakhtiari v Commonwealth of Australia. -
Legal18 April 2017Publication
Bam v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP)
Read a report into mandatory detention in the case of Bam v Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Immigration and Border Protection. -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Employers have a legal responsibility to take all reasonable steps to prevent racial discrimination. Find out more in this quick guide. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Refugees with adverse security assessments page
View the Commission's concerns about the treatment of refugees, including those who have received adverse security assessments from ASIO. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Immigration detention statistics
View statistics related to immigration detention in Australia, including how many people arrive, the length of their detention and where they are held. -
6 February 2015Book page
Appendix 4 – Schedule of public hearings and witness list
Five public hearings were convened by the Inquiry with a total of 41 witnesses giving evidence. The following is a list of all witnesses who appeared before the Inquiry. Date Location Witness list 4 April 2014 SydneyAustralian Human Rights Commission Ms Rim Jezan(Former child detainee) Department of Immigration and Border Protection(Mr Mark Cormack – Deputy Secretary, ImmigrationStatus… -
27 January 2015Book page
3 Priorities of the Diversity Strategy
In this Diversity Strategy, we have brought together our commitments under 4 separate reporting areas which all have a diversity focus. Our commitments under the Reconciliation Action Plan, the Disability Action Plan, the Agency Multicultural Plan and our Workplace Diversity Program intersected and overlapped and streamlining was designed to reduce our reporting time, duplication of activity… -
Race Discrimination30 March 2017Speech
Graduation speech: Moral courage
Speech given at University of South Australia Graduation Ceremony Check against delivery It is wonderful to be joining you this afternoon. To all those who will be graduating very shortly, my warmest congratulations to you. And my congratulations as well to the proud families of graduands. In America, they refer to graduation as a commencement ceremony. The idea being that the occasion wasn… -
21 May 2013Webpage
Submissions raising ICCPR Article 9
ICCPR Article 9 addresses some of the most basic liberty rights, and has been the subject of a large amount of Commission work including through submissions. Examination of the Migration (Regional Processing) package of legislation - January 2013 Human rights discussed: ICCPR Articles 2.1, 2.2, 7, 9.1, 9.4, 14, 17, 23, 26; ICESCR Articles 6, 11; CRC Articles 2, 3.1, 8.1, 10.1, 20, 22,37.b;… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Prohibition of advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred
Back to rights and freedoms: right by right Article 20 Article 20 of the ICCPR states: Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law. Australian interpretative declaration and reservation This requirement however is subject to the right of … -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Webpage
Legislative and other measures for implementation
Back to rights and freedoms: right by right Introduction | Human Rights Committee General Comment | Implementation of human rights treaties in a Federation | More information | Comments Introduction ICCPR Article 2.2 states: Where not already provided for by existing legislative or other measures, each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to take the necessary steps, in accordance… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 December 2014Opinion piece
Engage with us, says Commissioner Gooda
It has been just over twelve months since Australia elected Tony Abbott as Prime Minister. It’s been a time of great expectations, anxieties and stress for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Australians. During the 2013 election campaign, Prime Minister Abbott pledged to be the nation’s first ‘Prime Minister for Aboriginal Affairs’. His commitment to achieve positive and practical change in the… -
11 April 2013Project
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1966 (CERD) (the Convention) was one of the first human rights treaties to be adopted by the United Nations. More than 156 countries (four-fifths of the membership of the UN) have ratified the Convention; including Australia, which ratified the Convention on 30 September 1975. -
24 January 2017Opinion piece
We need a national picture of domestic violence homicides
Authors Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins and President of the Australian Human Rights Commission Professor Gillian Triggs In March 2010, shortly after making the decision to leave her abusive husband after more than 20 years of violence, Zahra Abrahimzadeh was stabbed to death in front of 300 witnesses inside the Adelaide Convention Centre. Two years later, her husband was… -
Sex Discrimination9 July 2018Opinion piece
Australia's journey to a National Inquiry into workplace sexual harassment
The following opinion piece by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins appeared in Fairfax papers - SMH, the Age and The Canberra Times On 5 October 2017, I boarded a flight from Britain. By the time I landed in Melbourne, the world had changed. The New York Times story exposing decades of sexual harassment and assault perpetrated by Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein had broken… -
14 December 2012Book page
Indigenous Deaths in Custody
The report was made possible through the assistance of many people and organisations. The roll-call follows, but up-front I wish to acknowledge the people within my office responsible for preparing Indigenous Deaths in Custody 1989-1996: Paul Castley, Malcolm Langford and Sharon Payne, working directly with Len Wilder. Malcolm Langford deserves special thanks for his work on the methodology, the… -
14 December 2012Book page
A Time to Value - Media Pack
The health and wellbeing of new mothers and babies is a fundamental argument for paid maternity leave. While income support measures may be designed to achieve a variety of outcomes, the need to ensure that women can afford to spend the first weeks of a child's life recovering from the birth and nurturing the baby requires a measure designed to provide this. The 14 weeks leave recommended by the… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Cyberbullying, Human rights and bystanders
Explore the Commission's resources that can help if you experience cyberbullying along with the bystander actions you can take if you witness bullying. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) is a network of youth workers, children's lawyers, policy workers and academics concerned about juvenile justice and working to promote the rights of children and young people in Australia.