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14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Appendix 8
A special measure is an exception to the general rule that all racial groups must be treated the same. Special measures are permitted by section 8(1) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. Section 8(1) implements Articles 1(4) and 2(2) of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), as follows: -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2006: Downloads
Social Justice Report 2006 Back to Contents Downloads Download the full report in PDF format (7.21 MB) Community Guide Chapters Introduction (PDF 649 KB) Chapter 1 (PDF 357 KB) Chapter 2 (PDF 1.37 MB) Chapter 3 (PDF 1.91 MB) Chapter 4 (PDF 1.24 MB) Appendix 1 (PDF 1 MB) Appendix 2 (PDF 382 KB) Appendix 3 (PDF 320 KB) Appendix 4 (PDF 314 KB) -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2006: Media Pack
Native Title Report 2006 Back to Contents Media Pack Downloads Download the Complete report (PDF) Chapter Downloads Media Release Report finds joint economic aspirations are possible (14 June 2007) Information Sheets 1: Survey of Indigenous land owners about land use and economic development - download in Word 2: 99-year leases on Indigenous land - download in Word 3: Housing - download in… -
14 December 2012Book page
Compulsory Retirement
This report deals with complaints by four pilots who were compulsorily retired at age 60 from their employment with a major airline. The complainants submitted that the decision, taken pursuant to company policy, constituted discrimination on the ground of age . The respondent submitted that the age restriction was an inherent requirement of the job based on safety and operational considerations… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Video - Response to government to the national apology to the Stolen Generations
Video - Let the healing begin Response to government to the national apology to the Stolen Generations By Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Wednesday, 13 February 2008 Member’s Hall, Parliament House, Canberra Back to speech Download in Word (48 KB) -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
The Commission is able to grant temporary exemptions from some parts of the Sex Discrimination Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the Age Discrimination Act. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
Disability complaint outcomes
Explore a range of Commission and Federal Court decisions, conciliated settlements and decline decisions in relation to disability complaint outcomes. -
14 December 2012Book page
Guideline on Premises Standards - 2012 draft
The Australian Human Rights Commission has now completed its update of the Guideline on the Application of the Premises Standards first issued in March 2011. -
Disability Rights12 January 2016Submission
Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
Understand the social implications of the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee inquiry. -
Legal25 January 2017Submission
Inquiry into the Commonwealth Government’s Exposure Draft of the Marriage Amendment (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice24 November 2017Webpage
First Nations Support services
View a list of services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls in need of help with health matters, legal advice or to make a complaint. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice24 November 2017Webpage
Women's Business Report (1986)
Explore the historic Women's Business Report from 1986. -
LGBTIQ+13 July 2018Webpage
Background and terminology
Protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions Background In Australian, some people born with variations in sex characteristics may be subject to medical interventions without themselves providing informed consent. It has been reported that this may be done where there is no medical need - for example, it may take… -
Legal8 December 2015Submission
Migration Amendment (Complementary Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2015
1 Introduction 1. The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee in relation to its inquiry into the Australian Government’s Migration Amendment (Complementary Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2015 (Cth) (Bill). -
Legal8 July 2014Submission
Inquiry into Technical and Further Education in Australia
Explore the submission on technical and further education in Australia. -
Legal8 July 2014Submission
Inquiry into Grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren
Explore the challenges faced by grandparents who take primary responsibility for raising their grandchildren. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice7 July 2018Media Release
Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women's Voices) survey launched
The Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO is inviting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls to take part in the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) project, through a new online survey. The launch of the survey for Indigenous women and girls coincides with the start of NAIDOC Week, with the theme Because of Her We Can. “This year’s NAIDOC Week has rightly put the focus… -
Legal28 October 2016Submission
Criminal Code Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Bill 2016
Criminal Code Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Bill 2016 Submission to Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security 12 October 2016 -
Rights and Freedoms18 October 2016Project
Federal Discrimination Law 2016
Federal Discrimination Law is produced by the Commission’s legal section and provides an overview of the federal unlawful discrimination laws and examines the significant issues that have arisen in the federal unlawful discrimination cases. It also contains comprehensive tables of damages awards made since 13 April 2000 when the function of hearing unlawful discrimination matters was… -
Legal21 August 2015Submission
Submission on the Inquiry into the Fairer Paid Parental Leave Amendment Bill 2015
Read the submission on the Fairer Paid Parental Leave Amendment Bill 2015.