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Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Hervey Bay RSL: Application for temporary exemption: Submissions in response
Hervey Bay RSL: Application for temporary exemption: Submissions in response Robin and Sheila King -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2001-2002: Orgchart
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Annual Report 2000-2001 Back to contents Click here to view a larger verion of the HREOC Organisational Chart If you require this information in a more accessible format, please contact -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Explore the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2002-2003: finance
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: Annual Report 2002 - 2003 Back to contents Financial Statements Click here to download a copy of the published accounts in PDF format. Click here to download the Independent Audit Report relating to the Electronic Presentation of HREOC's Financial Statements. Please note: If you require this information in a more accessible format, please email … -
14 December 2012Book page
AusHRC 54: Pak family v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration & Citizenship)
2012 Pak family v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration & Citizenship) Report into the best interests of the child and the right not to be subject to arbitrary interference with the family. [2012] AusHRC 54 -
14 December 2012Book page
AusHRC 52: Mr SD v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration & Citizenship)
2012 Mr SD v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration & Citizenship) Report into arbitrary detention [2012] AusHRC 52 Download in PDF [436 KB] Download in Word [1.96 MB] -
14 December 2012Book page
AusHRC 57: ST v Endeavour Energy
View an example report in to a complaint of discrimination in employment on the basis of criminal record made to the Human Rights Commission. -
14 December 2012Book page
AusHRC 55: BZ and AD v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration & Citizenship)
2012 BZ and AD v Commonwealth of Australia(Department of Immigration & Citizenship) Report into breaches of privacy, arbitrary detention, the right for the child to be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person and the failure of the Commonwealth to treat the best interests of the child as a primary consideration [2012] AusHRC 55 Download in PDF … -
Complaint Information Service14 December 2012Webpage
Understanding and preparing for conciliation
Understanding and preparing for conciliation Understanding and preparing for conciliation - Unlawful discrimination Understanding and preparing for conciliation - Human rights and ILO -
14 December 2012Book page
Constitutional reform: Creating a nation for all of us (2011)
By the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Download report PDF [1.5 MB] Word [720 KB] -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees13 February 2017Opinion piece
Protecting refugees
As recent reports allege asylum seekers are being removed from Manus Island and returned to their place of origin, Commission President, Professor Gillian Triggs, reflects on the nation's responsibilities. -
Legal6 August 2018Submission
Inquiry into local adoption
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs in its inquiry into local adoption. -
1 August 2014Book page
ABS: Australian Bureau of Statistics AIFS: Australian Institute of Family Studies ASX: Australian Securities Exchange AWALI: Australian Work and Life Index BB: Baby Bonus CEO: Chief Executive Officer Cth: Commonwealth CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CALD: Culturally and linguistically diverse DaPP: Dad and Partner Pay scheme DSS: Department… -
17 September 2013Book page
Our Agenda
There is no simple way to solve complex human rights issues. From the challenges that face a person with a disability seeking independent living, through immigration detention policy, the promotion of human rights must address issues for individuals as well as the need for broader, systemic change. That is why the Commission uses a range of integrated approaches, while also focussing on… -
17 September 2013Book page
Our Agenda
There is no simple way to solve complex human rights issues. From the challenges that face a person with a disability seeking independent living, through immigration detention policy, the promotion of human rights must address issues for individuals as well as the need for broader, systemic change. That is why the Commission uses a range of integrated approaches, while also focussing on… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice6 November 2017Webpage
Get support
Support services Speaking out about a traumatic experience can be distressing. If you decide to provide information to us but find that either during or after providing information, that relaying the experience(s) of trauma is causing you distress, you can access counselling support through: 1800RESPECT (24/7 national sexual assault and domestic and family violence counselling service) The… -
3 June 2013Webpage
RightsTalk: Human rights and video games speakers
Back to RightsTalk Katie Williams - freelance games journalist and critic who has written for PC Gamer, PC PowerPlay, GameSpy, IGN, Hyper magazine, TouchArcade, Kotaku Australia,, Atomic, and WarCry. Katie is the newly appointed director of the Freeplay Independent Games Festival taking place in Melbourne this September. Brendan Keogh - videogame critic and PhD candidate at RMIT… -
14 May 2013Webpage
RightsTalk: Anne Summers biography
Back to RightsTalk Dr Anne Summers AO is a best-selling author, journalist and thought-leader with a long career in politics, the media, business and the non-government sector in Australia, Europe and the United States. She is author of several books, including the classic Damned Whores and God’s Police, first published in 1975, Ducks on the Pond, her autobiography in 1999, The End of… -
Race Discrimination3 October 2017Webpage
Who we are
ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN Racism has no place in Australia. Since 2012, Racism. It Stops with Me has helped our community respond to prejudice. It is a campaign built on the efforts of people in their neighbourhoods, schools, universities, clubs, and workplaces. Across Australia, more than 400 organisations – and thousands of people – have pledged their support of the campaign. Whatever your walk… -
Race Discrimination3 October 2017Webpage
Our supporters
OUR SUPPORTERS More than 400 organisations have pledged their commitment to anti-racism. This includes organisations across business, sport, education, local government and community organisations. Thousands of people have also individually supported the campaign. Supporter organisations agree to endorse the campaign's messages about anti-racism and to promote the campaign. Many hold events…