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14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
DR OZDOWSKI: Welcome to everyone. I think there is no need again to administer the oath or affirmation. As with yesterday, we will do it only in the case of new witnesses coming, but please understand that the principles associated with the oath or affirmation do stand up. Also, I would like to ask witnesses in order to finish on time, that they will focus on questions and try to answer, and to… -
Children's Rights27 October 2021Publication
A guide for children and young people to the National Strategy to prevent child sexual abuse (2021)
This guide is intended to help children and young people understand child sexual abuse, how and where to get help, and how the National Strategy is improving Australia’s response to child sexual abuse. It is recommended for children aged 9 years and up. -
Sex Discrimination17 October 2022Media Release
National plan to end gender-based violence must be fully resourced to achieve results
Explore a plan to end gender-based violence and how for this to succeed, all governments need to make investments in prevention and recovery strategies. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Learn about the national inquiry into children in immigration detention. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Learn about the national inquiry into children in immigration detention. -
Age Discrimination2 May 2023Media Release
Ageism keeping older people out of the workforce
Ageism is blocking older people from the workforce, findings from a survey of HR professionals about attitudes to older workers show. A partnership between the Australian HR Institute and the Australian Human Rights Commission, the 2023 Employing and Retaining Older Workers Survey found one in six organisations will not consider hiring people aged 65 and above while only a quarter are open… -
LGBTIQ+13 June 2019Media Release
New guidelines launched to promote the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport
Sport and human rights leaders are encouraging all Australians to “stand for inclusivity”, launching new guidelines that promote the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport. National Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport were launched in Melbourne today. The Guidelines were developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission in -
14 April 2015Book page
3 Native Title - Year in Review
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Key trends in native title over the last five years 3.3 Federal reviews of native title 3.4 Budget reforms 3.5 Reinstating legislation to amend the Native Title Act 3.6 Tax Laws Amendment Acts 2013 3.7 Native title developments in Queensland 3.8 South Australia 3.1 Introduction Section 209 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (Native Title Act) requires the Aboriginal and… -
Complaint Information Service29 January 2019Webpage
Information for advocates and lawyers participating in conciliation
The Commission values the positive role that advocates and lawyers can play in conciliation. Advocates and lawyers can provide important support to parties, assist parties understand and articulate how they see the law applies to a complaint and advise parties on possible options to resolve the complaint. Conciliators at the Commission decide whether it is appropriate for an advocate or… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
HREOC submission to Inquiry into Immigration Detention in Australia
Recommendation 1: The Migration Act should be amended so that detention occurs only when necessary. This should be the exception not the norm. It must be for a minimal period, be reasonable and be a proportionate means of achieving at least one of the aims outlined in international law (ExComm Conclusion 44). These limited grounds for detention should be clearly prescribed in the Migration Act. -
Disability Rights22 April 2024Webpage
Creating an accessible and inclusive workplace
Learn how to ensure your organisation’s physical workplace, technology, attitudes and values are accessible and inclusive for all employees and visitors. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2008 - Case Study 2
The landscape of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) is under severe ecological stress. Issues such as salinity, poor water quality, stressed forests, dried wetlands, threatened native species, feral animals and noxious weeds are commonplace within the MDB. The reasons for this dramatic decline in river health are caused by water mismanagement including reversal of natural flow cycles and over… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
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Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner and acting Race Discrimination Commissioner, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Collaborative indigenous policy development
I would also like to thank the conference organisers for two things: – firstly for inviting me to present today, and secondly, for developing a conference on such a critical but very marginalised theme on the national stage – Indigenous policy development – and how we can all do it better. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
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We are on Aboriginal land – and as a mark of respect to the traditional owners of this country – I want to recognise their culture and their law because they are integral to what we now call Coogee. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Indigenous Peoples Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources
Furthermore, I would like to thank Professor Mick Dodson and Mr. Parry Agius for the invitation addressed to me to deliver this lecture within the framework of the National Title Conference. In particular, I express my warmest thanks to the Acting Chairperson of the Conference Mr. Parry Agius for his very kind words about my humble work in the field of the protection of the rights of the world's… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
I am here representing Dr William Jonas, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. Dr Jonas was unable to attend today due to a range of other commitments. He asked that I begin by thanking the Victorian Department of Justice for inviting the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to attend this morning and present to you our views on the status of government… -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 11
This chapter focuses on discrimination against same-sex couples and their families in the context of access to the Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Safety Nets. -
Sex Discrimination24 August 2022Publication
What does sexual harassment look like?
Workplace sexual harassment includes a wide range of different behaviours. Find examples of sexually harassing behaviours. -
25 September 2018Webpage
Culture & diversity
Learn how the Commission supports a diverse workforce and understands that a positive workplace culture is key to any effective organisation.