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Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Bringing a gender lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
In light of the unique and disproportionate ways that business-related human rights abuses are experienced by women and girls, in 2017 the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights (Working Group) launched a project considering the gender dimension of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). This project included regional consultations including a consultation in -
Business and Human Rights31 October 2017Opinion piece
Slavery is a bigger problem now than when it was ‘abolished’ - and it's happening here
A diverse group of leaders from the Australian business community, civil society, the religious community and academia has released a Statement of Support for the development of legislation to combat Modern Slavery. -
Business and Human Rights27 May 2024Submission
Australia's Anti-Slavery Commissioner
Learn more about the creation of an Australia Anti-Slavery Commissioner and how this could strengthen Australia's response to modern slavery. -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Publication
Fact Sheet: The Australian mining and resource sector and human rights (2014)
The impact of mining and exploration activities on the human rights of employees and surrounding communities is well understood. Integrating human rights considerations into core business practice in the extractive sector is not only vital for managing business risks but also for creating opportunities. This Fact Sheet outlines how human rights are relevant to the mining and resource sector,… -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Publication
Fact Sheet: The Australian finance sector and human rights (2014)
Integrating human rights considerations into core business practice is vital for managing business risks and creating opportunities in the finance sector. This Fact Sheet outlines how human rights are relevant to the finance sector, and what entities in sector can do to ensure they respect human human rights, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The… -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Publication
Fact Sheet: Integrating human rights into Australian business practice (2014)
The business and human rights landscape has evolved significantly over the last decade. In June 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously adopted the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the Guiding Principles). The Guiding Principles provide a global standard for addressing and preventing human rights impacts associated with business activity. This Fact Sheet… -
Business and Human Rights25 August 2023News story
Strengthening Our Response to Slavery
Learn more about how to reform the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) to better protect people from slavery and trafficking. -
Business and Human Rights19 December 2023Submission
Victim-survivors of Forced Marriage
Learn more about how forced marriage violates human rights and how Australia can better protect victim-survivors. -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Publication
Fact Sheet: The Australian manufacturing and retail sectors and human rights (2014)
Integrating human rights into business practice is vital for managing business risks in the manufacturing and retail sectors. The collapse of a Bangladesh factory in April 2013, which killed more than 1,100 garment workers and injured many more, has generated increased attention to the issue of human rights in global supply chains. This Fact Sheet outlines how human rights are relevant to… -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Director Briefings on responding to the Modern Slavery Act (2019)
Throughout October and November 2019 the Commission, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and KPMG Australia co-hosted a range of panel events for company directors in Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. The event series titled, Directors Briefing: Modern Slavery Reporting – Is your board ready? sought to assist board directors to understand their… -
Business and Human Rights19 March 2021Project
Tackling modern slavery and labour exploitation with the Cleaning Accountability Framework
The Australian Human Rights Commission has partnered with the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF) to tackle modern slavery and labour exploitation in the cleaning industry. -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
The Financial Sector: A Key Player in the Prevention of Modern Slavery event (2019)
The Commission co-hosted an event on 10 April 2019 with KPMG Australia and the UN-backed Liechtenstein Initiative for a Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. The event drew a multi-stakeholder audience from the Australian investor, business and civil society community, and featured a panel of experts who highlighted the pivotal role of the financial sector in -
Business and Human Rights16 July 2021Project
FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023: Human Rights Risk Assessment
The Australian Human Rights Commission partnered with FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) and the New Zealand Human Rights Commission (NZHRC) to conduct a human rights risk assessment for the FIFA Women's World Cup. -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Roundtable and Joint Civil Society Statement on Business and Human Rights (2016)
In March 2016, the Australian Government announced its intention to undertake a national consultation on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). On 25 May 2016, the Australian Human Rights Commission co-hosted a roundtable with the Human Rights Law Centre on implementing the UNGPs in Australia. The roundtable involved key civil society… -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Supporting business to combat modern slavery
The Commission and KPMG Australia are collaborating on the development of a range of practical, sector-specific guides to support businesses to understand and manage their modern slavery risks approach and to respond effectively to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). -
Business and Human Rights12 September 2022Publication
Responsible Business Conduct and the Tourism Industry in Vietnam: Guidance for Companies (2022)
Guidance to assist companies operating in the tourism industry in Vietnam to conduct their business responsibly and ensure that their operations promote and protect human rights. -
Business and Human Rights25 July 2023News story
What businesses need to know about the Modern Slavery Review
Learn more about business obligations in respect of modern slavery following the Modern Slavery Act review. -
Business and Human Rights22 December 2021Media Release
Australian and New Zealand Human Rights Commissions and FIFA publish Human Rights Risk Assessment ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™
The Australian Human Rights Commission, the New Zealand Human Rights Commission along with FIFA have today published a Human Rights Risk Assessment for the next FIFA Women's World Cup, to be held in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in 2023. The assessment examined the potential human rights impact of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ on players, spectators, workers and local communities in … -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Publication
Financial Services and Modern Slavery: Practical responses to managing risks to people (2021)
A guide to help the financial services industry respond effectively to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). -
Business and Human Rights12 August 2020Publication
Property, Construction and Modern Slavery (2020)
A guide to help the property and construction industry respond effectively to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
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