It starts with us - The Leadership Shadow

It starts with us...
Chief Executive Women and the Male Champions of Change share a common goal: to make a significant and sustainable change to the low levels of women in leadership in Australia. We are working together to identify approaches, put them into practice and disseminate those that are successful.
One of our collaborations has resulted in a model called The Leadership Shadow which has now been trialled by a number of our members. The model suggests actions and behaviours that are most likely to support progress. It also recommends questions that can be asked as self-evaluation or feedback.
Changing our leadership approach requires focused attention and none of us claim to have all the answers. We do hope, however, that sharing the model and our experiences will stimulate thinking around how leaders can harness the talents of all.
The Leadership Shadow may help respond to the practical questions we have had from our peers and teams, particularly: ‘Where do we start?’. The answer, we firmly believe, is: ‘It starts with us.’
We look forward to hearing about your own experiences and progress.