Corporate Plan 2018-2019

Our Corporate Plan is the road map that guides the Commission’s work for each financial year with a four year outlook. It shows how we implement our purpose and promote an Australian society where human rights are enjoyed by everyone, everywhere, everyday. There is no simple way to solve complex human rights issues. From the challenges that face a person with a disability seeking to live independently, to ensuring that Australia’s immigration detention policies meet our human rights obligations and treat people with dignity, the promotion of human rights must address issues for individuals as well as the need for broader, systemic change.
This year’s plan outlines our performance framework and the key activities that we anticipate will contribute to our purpose. Separately we provide detail on our planning context analysis and evaluation workplan. The President and Commissioner profiles outline the difference that each aims to make during their terms. They describe their goals, approaches and the key initiatives they are leading this year.
Planning Context Analysis
Evaluation Workplan
President and Commissioner profiles