Get Help: Bullying, violence and harassment

Here is a list of referral services if you or someone know is in need of help.
For emergencies please call 000
Youth services
- ReachOut is anonymous and here for you 24/7. It’s packed with loads of facts and info, stories, videos, blogs and forums to help you deal with whatever you’re going through.
- Kids Help Line is a free and confidential phone help line for young people aged 5 – 25. You can have a chat by phone, online or by email about anything that is worrying you, including cyberbullying. Phone: 1800 55 1800
- Lifeline is a free and confidential service staffed by trained telephone counsellors to assist people in crisis. Lifeline is open to people of all ages. Phone: 13 11 14
- Headspace is a national youth mental health foundation. They can help young people who are going through a tough time. There are headspace centres all over Australia that you can go to. Check out their website for locations.
Domestic violence, sexual assault
- 1800RESPECT is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling helpline, information and support. Phone: 1800 737 732
Legal help
If you are interested in seeking legal help or information for any human rights concerns that you have experienced or witnessed:
- The Australian Human Rights Commission can investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying on human rights grounds.
- State-based law and justice agencies:
- LawAccess (NSW)
- Law and Justice (NSW)
- Law and Justice (Vic)
- Justice and Community Safety (ACT)
- Law and Safety (Qld)
- Law and Safety (NT)
- Law and Public Safety (Tas)
- Community Safety (WA)
- Crime, Justice and the Law (SA)
- Legal Aid:
- Legal Aid (NSW)
- Legal Aid (Vic)
- Legal Aid Commission (ACT)
- Legal Aid (Qld)
- Legal Aid Commission (NT)
- Legal Aid (Tas)
- Legal Aid (WA)
- Legal Aid Services (SA)
- State and Territory anti-discrimination and equal opportunity agencies:
- Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
- Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
- ACT Human Rights Commission
- Anti-Discrimination Commission of Queensland
- Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission
- Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commission (Tasmania)
- Equal Opportunity Commission Western Australia
- South Australia Equal Opportunity Commission
Assisted call services
For assisted call services, you may like to contact:
- The Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50, if you would like a telephone interpreting service to assist with communication in a different language
- The National Relay Service on 13 36 77, if you are deaf or have a hearing or speaking impairment.
Further reading
- Understand what Cyberbullying looks like, what to do and how to get help.
- Recognise Workplace Bullying, its impact and what you can do.
- Explore advice and resources on the Australian Human Rights Commission's Violence, Harassment and Bullying webpage.
- Be informed about Human Rights, their origins and the international human rights system.
This Violence, Harassment and Bullying fact sheet was developed in partnership with, 2011