Our Homeless Children
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This page was first created in July, 2013

Report of the National Inquiry into Youth Homelessness
In 1987, after consulting with a wide range of individuals and organisations attempting to assist homeless children, analysing current policy directions and surveying the available literature, the Commission decided that there was a clear need for a national inquiry into homelessness as it affects children and young people. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides that children are to be accorded such measures of protection as are required by their status as minors) The Declaration of the Rights of the Child provides, more specifically, that all children have a right to enjoy special protection, to receive adequate housing, and to be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation.' It was clear to the Commission that a large number of Australian children were being denied these fundamental human rights.
Chapter 1: The National Inquiry into Youth Homelessness (Word) or PDF
Chapter 2: Government responses to youth homelessness (Word) or PDF
Chapter 3: Developments since the Inquiry began (Word) or PDF
Chapter 4: The rights of the child (Word) or PDF
Chapter 5: The experience of homelessness (Word) or PDF
Chapter 6: The incidence of youth homelessness (Word) or PDF
Chapter 7: The costs of youth homelessness (Word) or PDF
Chapter 8: Families under stress (Word) or PDF
Chapter 9: Family poverty and isolation (Word) or PDF
Chapter 10:Children in the care of the State (Word) or PDF
Chapter 11:Youth unemployment (Word) or PDF
Chapter 12: The situation of Aboriginal young people (Word) or PDF
Chapter 13: The situation of young refugees (Word) or PDF
Chapter 14: Income support for homeless young people (Word) or PDF
Chapter 15: Youth Supported Accommodation Program (Word) or PDF
Chapter 16: Commonwealth State Housing Agreement (Word) or PDF
Chapter 17: Private sector accommodation (Word) or PDF
Chapter 18: Accommodation services (Word) or PDF
Chapter 19: Health needs and services (Word) or PDF
Chapter 20: Support needs and services (Word) or PDF
Chapter 21: Legal needs and services (Word) or PDF
Chapter 22: Role of the education system (Word) or PDF
Chapter 23: Job training and employment programs (Word) or PDF
Chapter 24 A youth accommodation and support services program (Word) or PDF