Let's talk about rights - Human Rights Act for Australia

The Attorney-General announced the federal government's response to the National Human Rights Consultation on 21 April 2010.
- Click here to read the Attorney-General's speech
- Click here read Australia's Human Rights Framework in PDF or in Word
The Commission expressed disappointment that the framework does not include a Human Rights Act but welcomed the other measures contained in the framework. Read the full press release here.
The report of the National Consultation was released on 8 October 2009.
The Commission welcomed the report’s key recommendations: that human rights education is of the highest priority; and that Australia adopt a federal Human Rights Act. Read the Commission’s media release.
Below are other documents relating to the National Consultation:
- Commission submission to the National Human Rights Consultation
(June 2009) - Commission's supplementary submission to the National Consultation
(July 2009) - Constitutional Roundtable Statement
- Consultation toolkit - Let’s talk about rights
- Children and young people - Let’s talk about rights
- Seminar series
- Consultation workshops
- Commission speeches and media releases
- Useful links