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National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention

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Submission to National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention from

Inese Petersons

from evidence given to Justice Bhagawati, Special Envoy, High Commission for Human Rights

Introduction: Effects of detention on Detainees and the Learning Process.

As a former teacher at the Woomera IRPC, I was able to witness at first hand, the conditions of detention and the resulting outcomes for Asylum Seekers.

The detrimental emotional, psychological and physical effects of detention on detainees, have already been described, debated and published by credible members of the relevant professions.

There have also been numerous documentaries, newspaper articles, interviews [both TV and radio] and letters from current and former detainees that have graphically described their experiences both before, during and after detention.

From a teacher's perspective, I found that the trauma, both past and present experienced by the detainees and compounded by the conditions and treatment while in detention, often resulted in severe depression, extreme anxiety, hopelessness or dysfunctional behaviour, to name a few. Being in these states or witnessing them on a daily basis was definitely not conducive to learning. Learners require a suitable learning environment, both physically and mentally, to achieve positive, lasting and productive learning outcomes.

Even if the human and physical resources had been adequate to present a proper education program to the detainees in Woomera, going to classes there was always a haphazard affair, at best, a distraction from their daily trauma.

Proposals: Alternative Options for a "Better Detention" fostering Optimum Learning Outcomes.

My proposals are based on the understanding that Mandatory Detention will not be abolished in the near future. The three following alternatives seek to provide a more acceptable "detention" that fosters optimum learning outcomes for detainees. The educational needs of the detainees would best be served by appropriate resources and specially trained teachers, in an environment and atmosphere conducive to learning.

First Option.

Have a purpose built school complex in the Centre staffed, resourced, organised and functioning as close as possible to a "normal" school, incorporating the specific and special needs of students. Language acquisition, cultural studies and practical life-skills would form the basis of the education program. Given the nature of learning in such an environment, subject content and contextually relevant teaching becomes a crucial priority. A basic "survival kit" for future Visa holders.

[This option was once proposed at Woomera in early June 2001 but was never actioned]

Second Option: Transport Students to Local Schools.

Transport all students [children and adults] to attend the local school/s. This would necessitate some major organisation and consultation with DETE, School Council/s, Community and other stake-holders - but not an impossible task. Facilities already available and staffing and resources could be allocated according to student needs. Allows all students to be initiated into a formal schooling process. Excellent learning opportunities for cross-cultural awareness.

[Some junior students are already being bussed to a previously closed school. Commendable attempt to formalise teaching/learning, but the children are isolated from other school children and associated interactions. No similar provision for any adult student.]

Third Option: Woomera Township as "Detention" Centre?

This proposal is, I think, by far the best and would, I believe, have the most positive and broadest learning outcomes for Asylum Seekers.

Woomera township is in the unique position to "alleviate" most of the current concerns and issues surrounding the mandatory detention of Asylum Seekers.

  • Already has existing housing and infrastructure. Federal property.
  • Remote and secure: Can be re-established as a restricted facility/zone.
  • Asylum Seekers allowed "freedom" with dignity.
  • Cost effective and cost cutting.
  • Business and employment opportunities.
  • Immediate coordinated and effective assistance towards assimilation.
  • Education based on needs. Theirs and ours.
  • Better "detention" - better outcomes.

Existing Facilities and Infrastructure.

As Woomera is already "owned" by the Government and has the necessary infrastructure to service approximately 7000 people, why not revert/convert Woomera township and area to a restricted facility?

Personnel for any current or future Woomera Rocket Range projects, could be rehoused in purpose built accommodation in the IRPC, which has the infrastructure to cater for 2000 people. They would be assured of privacy and security close to their working environment.

Current residents could be encouraged to accept the proposals by sensitive consultation and collaborative planning. Positive Government support would be essential.

This is not to suggest that Woomera becomes the "detention capital" of Australia, but given the small number of asylum seekers that come to Australia anyway, one facility the size of Woomera would be enough to house them while they go through all the initial clearance processing. Processing should be of minimal duration, after which the detainees are released into the community. If most of the funding that has been/will be allocated to other detention services/measures both on and off-shore was to be concentrated in Woomera, many of the current perceived "problems" could be alleviated.

Security: Restricted Facility/Zone.

Woomera township and environs has previously been a restricted zone. The Rocket Range still is. It is probable that the currently restricted area could be extended and made secure. This would eliminate the need to detain Asylum Seekers in a central facility, locked up in separate compounds, surrounded by maximum security fencing, surmounted by razor wire. The organisation and delivery of all security measures could be done by federal or state officers. This would create an excellent PR opportunity, to introduce and familiarise the prospective Visa holders to Australian law and law-enforcement. It would also eliminate the need for the current Centre's correctional services management, its ethos and practises.

"Freedom" with Dignity.

The detainees could be accommodated in Woomera's currently empty houses and units, be given a Government benefit and be assisted by appropriate personnel and professionals to acquire the necessary life-skills, to become accustomed to life and living in an Australian community. They could be given freedom of movement within Woomera and the immediate surrounding area. The ability to be partially self-determining and "free" would hopefully alleviate many of the more debilitating mental, emotional and physical problems, thereby allowing the detainees some time to recuperate and direct their energies and thoughts towards education and learning life-skills, essential adjuncts to assimilation. This effectively allows the Asylum Seekers to live and adjust to the Australian way of life with privacy, dignity, autonomy and purpose while their applications are being processed.

Cost Effective and Cost Cutting.

It could be envisaged that, with immediate practical help and practice, the detainees could become financially "self-supporting". That is, they learn to budget and learn to live on their disposable income, as every other Australian does. This scenario would be more cost effective and cheaper than the current per person daily rate cost of detention. This has immediate and future economic benefits. The money immediately flows into the township and future Visa holders probably would become more financially astute. Most importantly, financial acumen does not establish or encourage a reliance or dependency on welfare.

Increased Business and Employment Prospects.

Woomera could once again become a viable township, providing employment and business opportunities for many. As the current mainland detention centres and the off-shore facilities are all indirectly foreign owned, Woomera would provide and ensure direct economic benefit to the region. Detainees and service providers alike would be injecting funds into the community, guaranteeing that the economic bonus and profits stay in Woomera, hence South Australia, and not go interstate, off-shore or overseas. An economic revival for the region has to be considered as a positive and desirable achievement.

Towards Assimilation.

The more provisions that can be made towards the "normal" education, assistance, training and familiarising of Asylum Seekers with the Australian language, culture and life-skills for integration and successful living, while they are in "detention", the less likely they will have problems adjusting and being accepted, when they are granted a Visa.

Education Based on Needs.

As the lack of English is one of the major obstacles to the assimilation of Visa holders in our society, early intervention and intensive language acquisition programs, are crucial for the success of their survival and settlement in the community. Having access to education on a regular basis in a formal setting, Woomera Area School and TAFE Campus, would enable the proper delivery of programs specifically designed and delivered to meet the needs of all the students, children and adults alike. It would also foster an appreciation of our education system, teaching and learning methodologies, schooling expectations and provide the foundations for appropriate learning practices and behaviour. An investment in education always provides dividends.

"Better Detention" - Better Outcomes.

Given that it does not appear that Mandatory Detention and the application and delivery of that detention will change in the immediate future, I am proposing that the third alternative "detention" option is the best under the current policy. Not only does it remove Asylum Seekers from the punitive, debilitating, dehumanising and demoralising incarceration that they are currently subjected to, but more importantly, it also engenders an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance, by both Asylum Seekers and Australians.


The fact is that Asylum Seekers are here, now, and they will probably continue to come, despite our worst efforts to dissuade them. Currently they are a "captive " audience and every endeavour should be made to help them in every possible way while they are being detained. Why further traumatise and alienate these particularly vulnerable and helpless people when at least 85% of them will be granted a Visa? These are our possible future citizens. It makes no sense. There has to be a better way!

Yours Sincerely,

Inese Petersons.

Teacher: SA Reg. No. 584108

Last Updated 9 January 2003.