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Sex Discrimination

Brigidine College Address - 2nd Wave Feminism

I start by acknowledging the traditional owners, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. I am pleased to be here with you today, the day before International Women’s Day…and I wish you as young women all the best for that day, and all the best for the many life decisions that you will make as you...

Category, Speech
Sex Discrimination

Australasian Law Reform Agencies Conference

Domestic and family violence and human rights - We all have a right to live our lives free from violence, especially in our relationships, our families and in our homes.

Category, Speech

HR Leaders Forum

Rights and Responsibilities: Creating Better Workplaces for all Australians

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Generation to Close the Gap?

At the heart of this nation, there is a fundamental wrong in the relationship between the First Peoples and non-Indigenous people. We are divided between those who celebrate Australia Day without any thought of the implications of that day, and those who mourn Invasion Day and mark it as Survival Day...

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

Another 'aberration' shows that 18C is the problem and must be changed

State and federal governments should reform laws that make offensive acts unlawful and refocus them on protecting free speech and stopping workplace and public harassment. This week a news story broke about a complaint made under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act by a Queensland University...

Category, Opinion
Asylum Seekers and Refugees

New report reveal alarming impact of detention on children

[Check against delivery] Thank you for joining us today. Over a year ago, the Australian Human Rights Commission produced The Forgotten Children Report. This Report examined the impact of prolonged mandatory, indefinite immigration detention on the mental and physical heath of children. The findings...

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Logic says Valizadeh shouldn't get a visa

Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh’s freedom of speech won’t be suppressed if the Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, denies him a visa. In the past few days there have been increasing calls on the Federal Government to block so-called ‘neo-masculinist’ Valizadeh from entering Australia. Outraged politicians...

Category, Opinion

Access to justice

Your Honours, distinguished guests: I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, the Wurrindjeri people of the Kulin nation and pay my respects to their elders, especially to those elders present today. May also thank our host the Hon Justice Mordy Bromberg and the ICJ for inviting me to this...

Category, Speech

Genuine marriage equality is more than overdue

Imagine seeing the words "never married" on your new husband's death certificate. As if the grief of losing your husband while honeymooning wasn't traumatic enough. Marco Bulmer-Rizzi's husband, David, died after falling down stairs at a friend's place in Adelaide. Because South Australia doesn't...

Category, Opinion
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Government’s Healthy Welfare Card no solution to alcohol abuse

In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country, old wounds are being reopened. Many of our people are being forced to revisit the past trauma of income management and stolen wages. The federal government’s Healthy Welfare Card has created great concern and contention, as the...

Category, Opinion
Disability Rights

Time to regulate housing accessibility

With the scale, complexity and massive costs of recent reforms in disability services and aged care, we need constant monitoring and patience as the changes are put into place.According to what I hear and see this is all happening pretty well, in general.There is however a big shortcoming, a gap...

Category, Opinion
Commission – General

The future of human rights in Australia

AHRC Awards 2015 Thank you Craig for your generosity, for the 4th time, in guiding us through the awards. Well done for your very funny and successful Media Circus. Your honours, distinguished guests, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, the Gadigal...

Category, Speech
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

Indigenous Property Rights

Thank you Donna Ingram for that wonderful welcome to country. I want to pay respect to the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, and pay respect to the elders past and present.

Category, Speech
Business and Human Rights

Launch of Human Rights in Supply Chains: Promoting Positive Practice

After years of debate and consultation led by Professor John Ruggie, the United Nations Special Representative for Business and Human Rights, there is now clarification at the international level about the responsibility of business through the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Category, Speech


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