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Disability Rights

Rosemary Kayess commences as Disability Discrimination Commissioner

Australia’s new Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Rosemary Kayess, said we need to reframe how Australians think about disability, and address social structures that prevent people with disability from participating equally in society. Commissioner Kayess said there is a unique opportunity to...

Category, News
Rights and Freedoms

Urgent action needed following termination of UN inspection

The Australian Human Rights Commission says an extraordinary decision to terminate a tour of Australian places of detention by United Nations inspectors reflects Australia’s fragmented approach to protecting the human rights of people in detention.

Category, Story
Rights and Freedoms

Australia needs to deliver on our treaty promises

As with any agreement, there are certain requirements that OPCAT signatories need to fulfill, and Australia has been given longer than any other country to meet our OPCAT commitments. Today – 20 January 2023 – is our extended compliance deadline, and Australia has failed to deliver on our promises.

Category, Opinion
Rights and Freedoms

New report aims to help fast-track Australia’s OPCAT implementation process

A new report released today by the Australian Human Rights Commission outlines activities required to expedite Australia’s sluggish approach to implementing the United Nation’s Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT)...

Category, News
Rights and Freedoms

Housing and human rights - rights where it matters

Sandy Duncanson Memorial Lecture Housing and human rights – rights where it matters Hobart, 11 October 2022 Abstract Homelessness can happen to anyone. People with disability are at an increased risk and they are joined by a growing invisible cohort of older women. COVID-19 was a trigger for state...

Category, Speech


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