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Rights and Freedoms

Launch of the Rights & Responsibilities Consultation 2014 Report

Thank you for coming. It's a great pleasure to launch the report from our Rights and Responsibilities Consultation. Like my Commissioner colleagues, the role of Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner is to look at systemic public policy issues. No Commissioner investigates complaints from the public...

Category, Speech
Children's Rights

Embedding children’s rights into children’s services

YMCA 2015 National Children’s Services Conference Moonee Valley Racing Club, Victoria Saturday 21 March 2015 Introduction Good morning and thank you for the introduction. I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet today, the Wurundjeri people of the...

Category, Speech
Children's Rights

Children and young people as complainants

Children and young people as complainants Complaint Handlers’ Information Sharing and Liasion (CHISaL) Seminar Introduction Good afternoon everyone and thank you Sandra for the introduction. I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and I pay my respects to...

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Statement to Senate Estimates, 24 February 2015

(Check against delivery, 24 February 2015) The Report of the Commission’s Inquiry into the impact of immigration detention on children, The Forgotten Children, has now been tabled in Parliament and is available to the public– more than three months after it was provided to the Government. The...

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Fraser Lecture 2014

Professor Gillian Triggs President Australian Human Rights Commission Fraser Lecture Canberra Check against delivery Thank you Dr Andrew Leigh for your invitation and introduction. It is an honour to be here in your electorate of Fraser in north Canberra. I would like to acknowledge that we meet on...

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Celebration of brave journalism

CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Introduction and acknowledgement Thank you Andrew for your welcome. Before I begin I would like to acknowledge that we meet on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, and pay my respects to elders, past and present. May I also acknowledge Peter Greste’s parents and...

Category, Speech
Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Magna Carta shelters asylum-seekers

NEXT year is the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, signed reluctantly by King John at the ­demand of his rebellious barons in 1215. Buried in the middle of this foundational document of English constitutional law — setting out the single measure for wine and ale and the rights of widows on the...

Category, Opinion
Children's Rights

Protected and safe: a child’s right, our responsibility

Megan MitchellNational Children’s Commissioner National Child Protection WeekGala Dinner – Alice SpringsThursday 11 September Introduction Thank you, Jade and Jacob and good evening everyone. I’m delighted to be here tonight as part of National Child Protection Week. Can I start by acknowledging the...

Category, Speech
Children's Rights

Child Protection: Every Child’s Right

Megan MitchellNational Children’s Commissioner National Child Protection WeekBreakfast LaunchTuesday 9 September Introduction Thank you, Charlie and Zac, and good morning everyone. I’m delighted to be here this morning to help launch National Child Protection Week and to present the NAPCAN Play Your...

Category, Speech
Children's Rights

Children's Rights in a Changing World

Megan MitchellNational Children's CommissionerAustralian Human Rights Commission Association of Children's Welfare Agencies Conference 201420 August 2014 Check Against Delivery Introduction Thank you, Stephen, and good afternoon everyone. Can I start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the...

Category, Speech


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