Speeches by Professor Alice Tay, President, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
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This page was first created in December, 2012
Speeches delivered
by Professor Alice Tay
President, Human
Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission: 1998 - 2003
Note: Professor Tay, term as President ended on 31 May 2003.
The Hon. Catherine Branson was appointed President of the Australian Human Rights Commission on 7 August 2008 for five year term.
delivered by Professor Tay during her term as President are available
- Occasional
Address Graduation
University of Western Sydney, April 2002.
- Launch
of Youth Challenge Online
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,
Sydney, December 2001. - Human
Rights and Equality for Women in the 21st Century
Australian Women Speak Conference, Canberra, August 2001.
- Statement
on Mandatory Sentencing
HREOC Press Conference, Sydney, February 2000.
- Access
to electronic commerce and new technology services by older Australians
and people with a disability
September 1999.
- Human
Rights and Development
Vision Seminar, Melbourne, December 1998. - One
World? One Culture? One Education?
International Student Advisers Network of Australia (ISANA) Conference
"Beyond 2000, Renewing the Vision", Canberra, November 1998. - Contributions
to Australia by women from diverse cultures
FECCA National Conference, Sydney, November 1998. - Education
and Human Rights
Brisbane, November 1998. - Human
Rights and Wrongs
Adelaide, October 1998. - Toward
the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
Symposium on World Human Rights, People's Republic of China, October
1998. - Human
Rights and Business Education
for Equal Opportunity in Employment Limited, Sydney, August 1998.
Also available:
- Speeches delivered by Professor Gillian Triggs (President, Australian Human Rights Commission)
- Speeches delivered by Hon Catherine Branson (President, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2008 - 2012)
- Speeches delivered by Hon. John von Doussa (President, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2003 - 2008)
- Speeches
delivered by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice
Commissioner - Speeches
delivered by the Disability Rights Commissioner - Speeches
delivered by the Human Rights Commissioner - Speeches
delivered by the Race Discrimination Commissioner - Speeches
delivered by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner