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Speeches: Missed Business

Disability Rights


Missed Business - How to attract more customers by providing better access to your business

Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM,

Acting Disability Discrimination Commissioner

Launch of Marrickville Council/HREOC Guide

Monday 29 November

Royal Exchange Hotel, Marrickville

Sev Ozdowski


May I begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet.

I make this acknowledgment in all my public presentations around Australia, not only because I believe that it is good manners to do so, but also because recognising the indigenous history of this land is an important element in recognising the truth of our diversity as a people.

Councillor Morris Hanna - Mayor of Marrickville Council

Councillor Sam Byrne - Deputy Mayor of Marrickville Council

Members of the local Access and Main Street Committees

Ladies and Gentlemen

Marrickville Council as a leading local government authority

Thank you Mayor Hanna for the opportunity to launch this guide which has been developed in partnership between Marrickville Council and the Commission.

Establishing partnerships between ourselves, Government and local community organisations provides us with opportunities to achieve real change. It is through partnerships that we find practical ways of assisting individuals and organisations to respond to Australia 's commitments to equality and human rights.

This partnership has been a particularly enjoyable one for the staff working on the project and I congratulate the Mayor and Councillors for their commitment to completing this project.

I can think of few better examples of a Local Government that takes its responsibilities to develop a strong community identity as seriously as Marrickville Council does.

In recent years Marrickville Council has shown itself to be a leader on disability issues through the development of its DDA Access Action Plan including its:

  • Accessible Pathways Program;
  • Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan; and
  • Development Control Plan for Equity of Access and Mobility and implementation strategies

All of these have been recognised as best practice initiatives.

On a broader level Council has received a number of industry and Statewide awards for its management, environmental and cultural services and was recently rewarded by winning the prestigious A.R. Bluett Award which is widely regarded as being the award for the best council in local government.

Perhaps the most exciting initiative I am aware of is the "Belonging in Marrickville - Social Plan".

Put simply, the plan is about belonging to and making Marrickville a better place to live and is underpinned by a number of values and principles including:

  • ensuring equity and social justice for all
  • valuing partnerships, and
  • ensuring sustainability for current and future generations

Effective partnerships and a sustainable community

These three principles of equity, partnership and sustainability are reflected in the development and content of the guide that I am launching today.

First, while focusing on the positives associated with taking action to remove barriers, the guide also aims to assist local businesses to better meet their current legal responsibilities to do all they can to ensure equal access.

Secondly, the partnership developed in the production of the guide included not only the Commission and Council, but also local business people, people with disabilities and Main Street Committees. This partnership has resulted in a brief, but valuable guide to help small local businesses make their goods and services more accessible to a much broader customer base.

Finally, there is the question of sustainability. Making our community more accessible means that people with disabilities, older Australians, families with children in prams and all of us struggling with the heavy load of Xmas shopping will find it easier to get into and move around local shops and businesses.

In turn local businesses will have the opportunity to tap into a large section of our community that would otherwise be forced into travelling outside the area to do their shopping or conduct their business.

Together the benefits to local people and local businesses of better access make up an important part of what gives a community economic and social sustainability - a sense that we all belong, that we can all take part and can all benefit from what the community offers.

Local Government role in promoting the guide

The guide I am launching today is accompanied by a promotional campaign developed with local business leaders in mind.

Initially all local businesses will be sent a postcard inviting them to get hold of a copy of the guide. The local Main Street Committee will play an important part in encouraging its members to think about the advice given in the guide and follow up support and information will also be available from Council Officers.

A commitment by the Council to offering this support is an important aspect of what I think will make this a successful project.

HREOC role

In addition to the work the Commission has put into developing the guide we will be making it available through our web site in a form that will allow any Local Government, business association or community organisation to download and use it in their own local community.

We have had considerable support in promoting the guide from the various Local Government Associations throughout Australia and many organisations that provide support and information to small businesses.

I have confidence that many more Local Governments will see the value of having this guide to help them work alongside their local business community and would encourage them to get hold of the guide as soon as it is available.

Finally may I thank our host today, Mr John Wright, Manager of the Royal Exchange Hotel which recently went through major renovations and improvements in its customer services.

As you move around this Hotel you become aware of the thought and planning that has gone into making it accessible and welcoming to all its customers.

I am sure all your customers, including those with disabilities, find the easy access a welcome change.

Well done John and thank you for hosting us today.