Speeches by the Hon. Catherine Branson, President, Australian Human Rights Commission
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This page was first created in December, 2012
Speeches by the Hon Catherine Branson,
President, Australian Human Rights Commission
The Hon Catherine Branson was President of the Australian Human Rights Commission from 7 August 2008 - 29 July 2012. Click here to access her biography.
[Year: 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 ]
- Launch of An age of uncertainty
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, 27 July 2012 - 20 Years of Mandatory Immigration Detention:
the imperative for community-based arrangements for those who seek Australia’s protection
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Australian Refugee Association, 22 June 2012 - Rights, hearts and minds: Towards a national culture of Human Rights
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre/Graham F Smith Peace Trust, 14 June 2012 - Applying Human Rights in Closed Environments: Practical Observations on
Monitoring and Oversight
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Melbourne, 21 February 2012
- Australian Red Cross National Conference
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Hobart, 10 December 2011 - Making human rights real for all helps to keep democracies healthy
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, 09 December 2011 - Keynote address to the Victoria Legal Aid Civil Justice Law and Practice Conference
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, 25 November 2011 - Opening statement by Commission President, Catherine Branson QC to the Joint Select Committee on Australia's Immigration Detention Network
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, 05 October 2011 - University
of Western Sydney – Graduation Address
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, University
of Western Sydney, Parramatta, 29 September 2011 - The
empowered citizen: the importance of education and equality for a modern
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, City Hall, Newcastle, 30 August 2011 - University
of South Australia – Graduation Address
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Adelaide, 25 August 2011 - Enhancing Equality: Reforming Anti-Discrimination
Laws to Make Australia Fairer
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Equality Conference, Melbourne, 26 July 2011 - A national approach to child
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Sydney, 26 July 2011 - Human Rights, Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the Australian Human Rights Commission, Sydney, 21 July 2011 - Strengthening Human Rights Education in the National School
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, University of Technology, Sydney, 14 July 2011 - ‘Women as Agents of Change’: Balancing the scales
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, NSW Government House, Sydney, 13 July 2011 -
Promoting Women in Leadership
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Allens Arthur Robinson, Sydney, 7 July 2011 - Victorian Foundation for the Survivors of Torture Annual Oration
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Foundation House Annual Oration, 23 June 2011 - Current issues in Human Rights
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, 30 May 2011
- Human Rights 2011
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney Town Hall, 23 May 2011
- A human rights-based approach to immigrant women’s issues
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights, Melbourne, 13 April 2011
- NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Passover
Seder - Freedom in Australia
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 7 April 2011 - The role of human rights education in realising the vision of social justice
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 24 March 2011
- 2010 Human Rights Day Oration
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 10 December 2010 - Brad Selway Memorial Lecture - Mandatory
immigration detention of children in Australia: how far have we come and where
to from here?
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Adelaide, 18 November 2010 - The protection of rights and its positive impact on
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the Women’s Hospitals Australasia & Children’s Hospitals Australasia Conference 2010, Melbourne, 10 November 2010
- From international principles to everyday reality: human rights education
in Australia
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the International Human Rights Education Conference, University of Western Sydney, 4 November 2010
- What does it mean to believe in human rights in Australia today?
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the University of Newcastle Annual Human Rights and Social Justice Lecture, Newcastle,
2 September 2010
- Conservation, Participation and Human
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at Australasian Conference of Planning and Environment Courts and Tribunals in Sydney,
1 September 2010 - A fair chance for every child: The right to survival and development
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at Save the Children Rights of the Child lecture, National Library of Australia, Canberra,
11 August 2010 - Religion in the public square
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Religion in the Public Square Colloquium, Melbourne,
23 July 2010
- In the national interest: the promotion and protection of human rights
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Attorney-General’s Department Talking Heads Seminar Series, 24 June 2010 - The role of the Australian Human Rights Commission in protecting and promoting human rights in Australia
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Tokyo Japan, 27 April 2010 - 2010 Children’s Law Awards
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Sydney, 16 April 2010
- Flinders University Law School Prize Giving Ceremony 2010
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at Flinders University, 1 February 2010
- International Commission of Jurists (Vic) Opening of the Legal Year
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, 1 February 2010
- QUT Law Graduation Ceremony Occasional Address
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at QLD University of Technology, 17 December 2009
- 2009 Human Rights Day Oration
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the 2009 Human Rights Medals and Awards ceremony, 10 December 2009 - Launch of Broken Glass, Unbroken Memories
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Book Launch, 24 November 2009 - Human rights, the Constitution and a Human Rights Act
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 11 November 2009 - Australian Psychological Society (Sydney Branch) AGM
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 22 October 2009 - The National Human Rights Consultation: Outcomes
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, 21 October 2009 - The influence of human rights on judicial decision-making
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Federal Magistrates Court, 29 September 2009 - Speech at Annual UNAA Day Dinner
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, UN Association of Australia (UNAA), 25 September 2009 - Protecting the human rights of Indigenous people and communities
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Adelaide, 25 September 2009 - Speech to the UNSW UN Society
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, UNSW, 23 September 2009 - Keynote address to VIEW Clubs of Australia
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Annual National Convention, 19 September 2009 - How human rights can promote the wellbeing of children in
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, ARACY Conference, 2 September 2009 - Using human rights to inform administrative decision-making
Delivered by
the Hon Catherine Branson, Council of Australasian Tribunals, 25 August 2009 - Human Rights Consultation Gala Dinner
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Atlantic, Docklands, Melbourne, 31 July 2009 - National Human Rights Consultation: ‘The Great Debate’
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Canberra, 02 July 2009 - The role of culture and human rights in promoting human development
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, University of Queensland, 08 July 2009 - Settlement services through the looking glass of human rights
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Canberra, 29 May 2009 - NSW Young Lawyers, Charter of Rights Conference
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 09 May 2009 - Launch of the Social Justice and Native Title Reports 2008
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 04 May 2009 - NSW Equal Employment Opportunity Practitioners' Association (NEEOPA) Annual General Meeting
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson, Sydney, 29 April 2009 - How could a Human Rights Act lead to better
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson for the Senior Executive Service (SES) Breakfast, Canberra, 28 April 2009 - A Human Rights Act for
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson for the Dame Roma Mitchell
Memorial Luncheon, Melbourne, 4 March 2009 - Launch of NGO Guidelines for Working with Trafficked People
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, 3 March 2009
- 2008 Human Rights Day Oration
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at the 2008 Human Rights Medals and Awards ceremony, 10 December 2008 - Address to the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Annual Conference
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at NCJW Council House, Woollahra, 1 December 2008 - Envisaging a Fairer Australia: Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday
Delivered by the Hon Catherine Branson at Elder Hall, The University of Adelaide, 28 November 2008
Also available:
- Speeches delivered by Professor Gillian Triggs (President, Australian Human Rights Commission)
- Speeches delivered by Hon. John von Doussa (President, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2003 - 2008)
- Speeches delivered by Professor Alice Tay (President, Australian Human Rights Commission, 1998 - 2003)
- Speeches delivered by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner
- Speeches delivered by the Disability Rights Commissioner
- Speeches delivered by the Human Rights Commissioner
- Speeches delivered by the Race Discrimination Commissioner
- Speeches delivered by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner