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National Year of Reading 2012

Disability Rights


National Year of Reading 2012

Graeme Innes AM
Disability Discrimination Commissioner
Australian Human Rights Commission

Canberra 14 February 2012

Remember the joy, given and received, of reading to your children.  Probably all of us have done it and loved it.

For parents who are blind or have low vision like me, though, there was often a little complaint “Dad, your braille-reading hands are covering the pictures”.

Stories and reading are important, in print or braille. That's why this presentation of "Are We There Yet" book is part of our celebration today because that evocative story sharing experiences and memories from around our large and diverse nation is in print and braille, and all of the pictures can be felt and looked at.

Reading is a critical function for all of us, with or without disability and to be a truly inclusive society, we must include the reading needs of everyone.

That's why any public place with a television should turn on the captions so that we read as well as hear.

That's why publishers of any print material must make sure it is easily available in alternate formats.

And that's why I'm presenting you, Minister, with this book in braille.

Are we there yet in equally meeting the reading needs of Australians with disability?

No, but this international year will take us further on our journey.

Caption: Graeme Innes AM, the Hon Peter Garrett AM MP, Prime Minister of Australia the Hon Julia Gillard MP, the Hon Simon Crean MP at the National Library of Australia

Caption: Graeme Innes AM, the Hon Peter Garrett AM MP, Prime Minister of Australia the Hon Julia Gillard MP, the Hon Simon Crean MP at the National Library of Australia

Graeme Innes AM, Disability Discrimination Commissioner