Launch of Give Me Shelter: Dr Sev Ozdowski (2001)
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Launch of Give Me Shelter
Speech by Human Rights Commissioner
Dr Sev Ozdowski at the launch of Give Me Shelter for the South
Australian Council of Churches, Adelaide, South Australia, 28 October
Recently, Human Rights
Commissioner Dr Sev Ozdowski visited Adelaide where, amongst other things,
he launched the booklet Give Me Shelter which is an interdenominational
production of the South Australian Council of Churches. The booklet uses
St. Matthew's Gospel to illustrate human rights issues and will assist study
groups in gaining greater understanding and compassion for refugees.
- Recent reports
that the skeletal remains in the Basilica of Santa Giustina in Padua
Italy are 99% confirmed by the scientific world to be those of St Luke's
- gives today's launch an extraordinary feel.
- While the faithful
may never have doubted the veracity of the gospels - in today's materialistic
and scientific world - a little independent proof goes a long way!
- The Gospel According
to St Matthew is probably the most humanistic of the four. Certainly
it is infused with love and tenderness and, as the introduction to Give
Me Shelter points out, "of all the Gospels, Matthew is the
one closest to the refugee experience".
- At a time when
"compassion for refugees" is in relatively short supply, this
booklet - which relates actual refugee experiences to St Matthew's account
of the life of Jesus - could not be better timed.
- Encouraging attendees
at biblical study groups to reflect on these stories - thereby fostering
a deeper consideration of the issues involved - can only be a force
for change.
- As Human Rights
Commissioner I am only too well aware that education is absolutely essential
to a greater understanding of human rights issues.
- One of the key
criteria by which I will benchmark my tenure as Human Rights Commissioner
will be the extent of improved education and understanding of this subject.
- I am also most
impressed with the direct and accessible language used to illustrate
the key points in Give Me Shelter.
- Because much
of the international human rights language is rooted in legalistic treaties
and conventions, it is easy for practitioners to become subsumed in
points of law and specialist acronyms that are unintelligible to the
average Australian.
- If we are to
encourage average men and women of Australia to become informed about
human rights issues in this country it must be couched in direct, everyday
language that is accessible to all.
- On that score
this booklet is an outstanding success; one which I will keep in mind
when composing my own writings.
- In closing can
I refer briefly to Matthew 25:31-46 (page 24) which I consider to be
one of those scriptural moments which should be a constant reproach
to people of our ilk -Lord when
was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave
you to drink; a stranger and we welcomed you, naked and clothed
you, sick or in prison and we visited you? - And the son of
man will answer:Truly I
tell you, when you did these things to the very least of my family
members - you did it to me. - On that poignant
note - it is my great pleasure to launch
Give Me Shelter.
updated 1 December 2001