Submissions to the National Inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces open today.

Topic(s): Sex Discrimination
The National Inquiry, led by the Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, is seeking submissions from individuals and organisations across the country about their experiences relating to workplace sexual harassment.
“There is enormous international interest in the work we are doing in Australia. This National Inquiry is the first of its kind in the world and will be closely followed by countries around the globe,” Commissioner Jenkins said.
Over the next 12 months, the National Inquiry will consider the drivers of sexual harassment in the workplace and the adequacy of the existing legal framework, including a review of complaints made to state and territory anti-discrimination agencies.
The National Inquiry will also look at how people are using technology and social media to perpetrate sexual harassment in the workplace.
Commissioner Jenkins said that the National Inquiry will provide employees, employers, academics and all members of the public an opportunity to help develop solutions to the problem that is far too prevalent in Australian workplaces.
“We are at a turning point in our community where there is a very strong appetite for change. It is the perfect time to build on the momentum and conduct this National Inquiry.
“Everyone has a right to be safe in the workplace and we must continue working to create a society where sexual harassment is no longer considered part of the workplace experience.”
Commissioner Jenkins said the National Inquiry will identify examples of existing good practice, and make recommendations for change, providing a way forward for preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace.
The National Inquiry will not be investigating individual allegations of sexual harassment. If someone does want to make a complaint they can contact the Australian Human Rights Commission’s National Information Service.
Find out more about how to make a submission on the National Inquiry website or contact the team at or on (02) 9284 9750.
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