Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse and Neglect of People with Disability

Topic(s): Disability Discrimination
Statement from Alastair McEwin, Disability Discrimination Commissioner
I support the motion to hold a Royal Commission into the violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability. I call upon the Government to act immediately on this motion by proceeding to establish the Royal Commission without further delay.
The prevalence and pervasiveness of violence, abuse and neglect against people with disability is a shocking and shameful social issue. The disability community has been waiting for a long time for the government and the broader community to act, to provide justice and protect them from violence and abuse.
Numerous reviews and inquiries have recognised that violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability is serious, it is widespread, and much of it is driven by factors that disempower people with disability. These inquiries have called for independent, external oversight of institutional settings, more robust reporting and complaints mechanisms, and greater protections for people with disability to report incidents of violence.
The Commission’s A Future Without Violence Report (2018) adds to the significant work that has taken place and made a series of recommendations to address violence against people with disability in institutional settings. The findings are based on evidence drawn from extensive independent research and national consultations with governments, disabled people’s organisations, disability advocacy organisations, industry and academia.
The seriousness of violence and abuse of people with disability requires dedicated, focused and urgent action. A Royal Commission will shine a much needed spotlight on this often invisible issue and enable people with disability to share their stories and seek justice. It will also have the power to bring about substantial, long-lasting change and act as a catalyst for a wider discussion on how Australia can ensure people with disability are included in society as equal citizens.
The Commission looks forward to working with the Government, people with disability and the broader community to inform the Royal Commission, so that people with disability can have a future free from violence.
Media contact: Marie-Claire Muir 0466 635 405 or