National poll to give voice to Australian children

Topic(s): Children, Children
National Children’s Commissioner Megan Mitchell is calling on Australia’s youngest citizens to have their voices heard in the 2018 Children’s Rights Poll.
The Poll was developed by the University of Melbourne and ABC’s Behind the News program, in consultation with the Australian Human Rights Commission and young Australians.
“The results of the 2018 Children’s Rights Poll will provide an invaluable insight into what Australia must do to ensure the rights of all children are being upheld,” Commissioner Mitchell said.
“I know many children and young people are really engaged with civil society and want desperately to play a bigger role in our community.
“We are listening. I hope all parents and guardians encourage their children to complete the Poll and be heard.”
Students at Homebush West Public School and Annandale Public School played an important role helping design the Poll to ensure it reflects how young people want to talk about their rights.
The Poll asks all children and young people - aged 17 and under - how they feel about growing up in Australia, what rights are important to them, and how easy it is for them to access necessities like medicine and school.
The results will be released at the University of Melbourne’s National Child and Youth Forum, chaired by Commissioner Mitchell, in Melbourne on September 7.
They will also be used to help the Australian Human Rights Commission include the voices of Australian children and young people in an upcoming report to the United Nations.
Commissioner Mitchell will report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child about Australia’s progress in meeting its international law obligations by 1 November 2018.
The Committee monitors Australia’s implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Poll is available at It closes on August 10.
Media contact: Rania Spooner, 0448 939 997,