The Australian Human Rights Commission is conducting a national project mapping threats to trans and gender diverse (TGD) human rights in Australia.
The project aims to map current and emerging threats to TGD human rights, such as actions, circumstances, events, forces, groups, situations, trends, and other phenomena that endanger or violate TGD human rights.
We are seeking input from individuals and civil society organisations (CSOs) with relevant background, expertise and lived experience in issues impacting TGD people through a submission process.
Areas under investigation include but are not limited to:
- Anti-trans mobilisation, dis- and misinformation, and extremism and radicalisation
- Education, employment, healthcare, housing, migration, service provision and the law
- Non-personal information relating to anti-TGD abuse, discrimination, harassment, vilification and violence
This is a non-exhaustive list and we welcome submissions in any areas and on any topics relating to TGD human rights. We will publish the findings in a public report alongside recommendations to Government and CSOs.
Please note that we are seeking non-personal information, such as analysis and research. We are not looking for personal accounts, experiences, or stories at this time.
Call for Submissions
We are calling for submissions from individuals and CSOs with expertise in TGD matters. Please note that only subject-matter experts are invited to submit. Relevant specialists include but are not limited to:
- Academics and research institutions
- Advocacy and activist organisations or groups
- Community-controlled health organisations
- Healthcare professionals and organisations
- Legal professionals and organisations
- Policy makers and workers
- Service providers
Please note that we are unable to accept submissions from non-specialists in this area. Please contact TGD.Submissions@humanrights.gov.au if you are unsure whether you qualify as a TGD subject-matter expert.
Make a Submission
Submissions should be no longer than 2,500 words. All submissions must outline the individuals’ or organisations’ relevant experience or expertise at the opening of the document. Submissions that fail to provide this context may not be accepted.
We cannot guarantee any attachments and links will be reviewed. Please email your submissions, any requests for extensions, and any queries to TGD.Submissions@humanrights.gov.au.
We will publish submissions on our website after the consultation has closed. Submissions can be made confidentially or de-identified prior to publication on request. Please specify in writing if you would like your submission to be confidential or de-identified when you submit.
Submissions closed 5 May 2024.
Support Services
We appreciate that this subject may be discomforting or distressing, especially for TGD people with lived experience working in this area. If you or someone you know is in an emergency and needs assistance now, call triple zero (000).
You can also find support through the following services, free of charge:
Service | SOGIESC Specific | Focus | Contact | Hours |
Beyond Blue (national) |
× |
Anxiety and depression support |
1300 22 4636 |
24 hours, 7 days a week |
Lifeline (national) |
× |
Crisis mental health support with suicide prevention services |
13 11 14 | 24 hours, 7 days a week |
13YARN |
x |
Crisis mental health support for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people | 13 92 76 | 24 hours, 7 days a week |
Qlife (national) |
✓ |
LGBTQ peer support and referral | 1800 184 527 | 3 PM to midnight everyday |
Meridian (ACT) |
✓ |
Face-to-face counselling and social groups |
6257 2855 | 9 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday |
✓ |
Counselling, health promotion, peer education, and substance support |
1800 063 060 | 9 AM – 6 PM, Monday to Friday |
✓ |
Referral | 8944 7777 | 8:30 AM – 5 PM, Monday to Friday (closed 12 – 1 PM) |
Diverse Voices (QLD) |
✓ |
Counselling services (online) | 1800 184 527 | 3 PM to midnight, everyday |
Bfriend (SA) |
✓ |
Peer support | 1800 615 677 | 9 AM – 5 PM, Monday to Friday |
Switchboard (VIC) |
✓ |
LGBTQ peer support and referral | 1800 729 367 | 10 AM to 5 PM, everyday |
Working It Out (TAS) |
✓ |
Face-to-face, video and phone support sessions and social groups |
6231 1200 | 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday |