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The Crisis of Masculinity: Pru Goward (2004)

Sex Discrimination


The Crisis of Masculinity –is
there the need for a men’s movement?

Speech delivered by Pru Goward,
Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner, as part of the Oz Prospects Lecture
Series, State Library of Victoria, 20 April, 2004.

  • Distinguished guests,
    ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the honour of being invited to speak to
    you tonight about the crisis of masculinity and the need for a men’s
  • Let’s put aside
    the need for a men’s movement for the moment and begin with the latest
    political fashion statement, the crisis of masculinity.
  • Curiously, it is not
    a term I often hear defined by those who use it. The phrase itself is presumably
    meant to convey the drama of its meaning without need for explanation; that
    is, without rationale, or evidence. Is it meant to tap into latent fears lurking
    deep within our troubled souls, to offer some explanation for everything that
    worries us, from the greenhouse effect to illicit drug use, but can’t
    quite put our fingers on? It would not be the first time that pop sociology
    has played this role.
  • Yet the term is resonating,
    it’s echoing something, even if only very faintly and often
    times distorted.
  • So what does it mean?
  • Let me start with the
    facts about men, many taken from the report of the House of Representatives
    Standing Committee on Education and Training’s Inquiry into the education
    of boys, released in October 2002.
  • Fact 1: Men are more
    likely to commit suicide than women, though women are apparently more likely
    to try.
  • Fact 2: Men are more
    likely to be murdered than women- double the numbers. They also commit 85%
    of murder and manslaughter. The ratio of male to female juvenile offenders
    in custody is nine to one, similar to the adult rates.
  • Fact 3: Men do have
    specific health problems, such as prostate cancer, which are only belatedly
    receiving attention
  • Fact 4: Men live on
    average four years fewer than women.
  • Fact 5: By aged nine,
    while there are no real differences in numeracy, Australian boys are clearly
    behind girls in the literacy stakes. In 2000, the difference was 4.4% - a
    year earlier it had been even greater, at 5%.
  • Fact 6: By the time
    students are 14, according to a 1995 study, the literacy gap between boys
    and girls is 8%, an increase from 3% in 1975.
  • Fact 7: Two thirds of
    those in reading recovery programmes are boys.
  • Fact 8: 80% of students
    suspended or expelled are boys.
  • Fact 9: Overall girls
    achieve better academic results than boys at Year 12 level. In New South Wales,
    for example, there is now a gap of 19 marks out of 100 between the male and
    female average Tertiary Entrance Scores, the widest gap in Australia.
  • Fact 10: In 2001 the
    Year 12 retention rate gap between girls and boys for was 11%. Before 1976,
    boys were much more likely to finish Year 12 than girls.
  • Fact 11: 56% of university
    graduates today are women, 44% are men.
  • So far, this confirms
    the picture of the male underachiever. We should be pleased that young women
    have become better educated, but bothered that young men have not kept pace
    and continue to put themselves at risk.
  • But there are also a
    few counter-facts, in particular that many of these facts were much the same
    thirty or forty years ago, yet nobody talked about a crisis of masculinity.
  • Boys in catholic schools,
    for example, often did not see a male teacher until their later years.
  • During the war years
    many boys grew up with absent fathers and, if their fathers were killed, permanently
    without a father figure. Boys have always been the ones to play hookey from
    school and girls have been avid readers since they were first allowed to read.
    In the days before no-fault divorce, there is no evidence that families were
    happier or more connected with their children.
  • Suicide, murder, prison
    and risk taking behaviour have long been more prevalent among men.
  • Women’s greater
    literacy skills have long been recognized. In the UK for example, there were
    once equal male and female quotas set for the 11Plus examinations that determined
    selection for secondary school. British educators apparently recognized decades
    ago that if there were no quotas, girls would dominate in their entry to the
    academic stream- at the expense of boys. Since boys and girls did equally
    well at their O levels six years later, British educators believed they were
    reflecting the need to accommodate the different development rates of males
    and females. Thus the quotas.
  • According to the Parliamentary
    enquiry’s report, boys are more likely to have auditory and laterality
    focus difficulties (which affect ability to read from left to right). These
    delay or impair reading skills. I will return to laterality focus a little
  • I repeat, it needs to
    be recognized that none of the so called problems that men and boys face today
    are new.
  • When we look at the
    adult work force, we see a different picture again.
  • Men are, despite their
    educational deficit, still more likely to take leadership positions, be chief
    executives, senior managers and board members.
  • Women make up only 26%
    of our federal parliamentarians.
  • Although more girls
    than boys have been finishing year 12 since 1976, we have never had a female
    prime minister and only one ever female high court judge.
  • Although more women
    now graduate in law from university than men, less than ten years out from
    graduation, men are more likely to have remained lawyers and more likely to
    have been promoted.
  • The earnings gap between
    men and women in full time work is significant- women earn 84 cents of the
    male dollar. When part timers and casuals are included, women earn 66 cents
    in the male dollar and by the time we get to old age, according to the National
    Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, NATSEM, women are two and a half
    times more likely to live in poverty.
  • These too, are facts.
    What interests me as a student of social change and of the role of gender,
    is how we explain these apparent contradictions and the emergence of a new
    crisis from old facts?
  • The answer, as always,
    appears to lie in the detail.
  • Fact: According to the
    same parliamentary inquiry and just about every submission to it of consequence,
    the gap between boys’ and girls’ literacy is much more marked
    for boys of low socio-economic status families than for middle and upper status
  • The federal Department
    of Education, in its submission to that inquiry, says, for example,
  • “the differences
    between levels of literacy for males and females are greater among students
    from manual and unskilled occupations than among children from other socio-economic
    groups. The gender gap is larger for the lower groups.”
  • Fact: The shift to a
    knowledge based economy along with new management techniques mean that computers
    are fast replacing the need for high levels of numeracy but there is an increasing
    need for high standard verbal communication between people.
  • Employment and earnings
    outcomes for boys who complete Year 12 are excellent. Ironically, even 19
    year old men with low literacy in full time work earn more than 19 year old
    women with high literacy in full time work.
  • Fact: The availability
    of unskilled or manual work suitable for boys without Year 12 has declined
    in the course of the last twenty years. Agriculture and manufacturing now
    account for only 19% of all employment; in 1966 it was almost half of all
    employment. Unskilled blue collar workers, of whatever age, are vulnerable
    to unemployment and marginalization. They are overwhelmingly male and economic,
    not social reform, has done this to them.
  • Fact: Reading is no
    longer entertainment for boys. Computer games for example are overwhelmingly
    played by boys. As observed by the Parliamentary Inquiry, this is at the expense
    of reading. A majority of boys report doing most of their reading at school,
    whereas girls say they do most of their reading as leisure.
  • In other words, girls
    read a lot and boys are no longer being forced to get practice doing something
    they don’t find as easy to do. Not surprisingly there is a skills gap
    by aged nine.
  • Fact: low socio-economic
    boys are the most likely to consider they must be the main breadwinner and
    conform to traditional family structures.
  • Fact: Low socio economic
    boys are the most likely to play truant, be disciplined at school and to commit
    crime. Middle and high status boys are much less likely to experience these
  • Fact: By age 24, men
    who have not completed Year 12 expect to have 1.6 children- the lowest number
    for any age male group and even among other 24 year old men.
  • Fact: According to the
    Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Survey in Australia of June 2002, HILDA,
    this fertility gap is very different for older age groups. Among men aged
    40 to 55 for instance, men with year 11 or less education expect to have,
    on average, slightly more children than those with tertiary education. They
    have 2.24 children, graduates have 2.21.
  • Fact: Overall the more
    men earn the more children they now have- men earning more than $70,000 a
    year for example, expect 2.12 children compared with men on low incomes, who
    expect around 1.83 children.
  • And who can blame them
    if according to traditional family values, they don’t have the income
    to support a family.
  • If anyone is suffering
    a crisis of masculinity, it is this group. Younger men with low educational
  • This, I suggest, is
    the new fact.
  • Whereas once low educational
    levels, mucking up at school or preferring footy to reading did not deny men
    the capacity to have children or to work for forty years and head a household,
    this is no longer the case. And the downwards spiral of expectations begins
    earlier and earlier.
  • If a boy or girl is
    struggling with reading and school work at thirteen or fourteen today, doesn’t
    everyone from mum, dad, the teacher, careers advisor and family friend tell
    them they will end up on the scrap heap, without any prospects? Not surprisingly,
    truancy, dropping out, inattentiveness and under-achievement soon follow.
  • Paraphrasing the Jesuits,
    show me the boy school leaver at fifteen, and I will show you the unemployed
    and childless man at thirty.
  • A man who feels disconnected
    from our two great social institutions, work and family.
  • Surely, a man in crisis.
  • An angry man who is
    more likely to have his marriage or partnership break down, his children leave
    him and his connection with them severely limited by either his actions, their
    mother’s or their own.
  • A man who continues
    to live on a diet of movies and tv sport shows that demonstrate traditional
    male values and virtues.
  • A man who was brought
    up not to learn the skill of communicating with others, who often failed to
    pick up the signs of frustration and unhappiness in their partners, and then
    were shocked and astonished when they walked out.
  • Yes, surely a man in
    crisis, a crisis even of masculinity. But not all men.
  • This is not to say that
    social change, and in particular, the changing status of women, has not also
    put men, all men, under pressure.
  • But pressure of a different
  • Men have had to change
    their work culture, their social behaviour, accept women as bosses, women
    as equals in the workplace and the women they love living under pressure at
  • The Household, Income
    and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, HILDA, for example, finds 60% of
    mothers in full time working couples do 11 or more hours of housework a week,.
    Only 12% of full time working fathers in couples do so.
  • No wonder only 15% of
    these men felt taking care of their children was more work than pleasure,
    whereas 20% of the women did.
  • A sense of unfairness
    also comes through in these results. Most men and women surveyed agreed that
    house-work should be shared equally if both are in paid work- only that’s
    not how it turns out in practice.
  • You can be sure your
    average Australian woman will make her view of his shortcomings as housekeeper
    quite clear to him one way or another. Life in the average family starts to
    resemble the Battle of the Somme, where a few concessions are gained during
    one row, only to be lost during the next.
  • And let’s not
    kid ourselves about female gate-keeping here. Both with child care and housework.
    Women often gate-keep as aggressively as men do. There’s also a chance
    that those same developmental shortcomings that made it harder for men to
    learn to read, like laterality focus for example, makes being the perfect
    housekeeper harder for them too.
  • (You might think laterality
    focus, or the ability to scan from left to right, is only about reading. But
    it also helps us sweep a room with our eyes from left to right and find every
    dirty sock, every piece of newspaper on the floor and every speck of dust
    that has been missed when HE did the tidying up, all in less time than it
    takes Wayne Carey to kick a goal).
  • Forgive that aside-
    my point remains that the housework as well as the child care are the causes
    of many a nasty fight, where she blasts him or gives him the silent treatment
    - he slams the door and rushes off into the arms of the friendly family computer.
  • He can no longer go
    down to the pub and drink it off with his mates, drink-driving laws have put
    paid to that.
  • ( I think we would all
    prefer it if he let off steam by mowing the lawn, but then there is only so
    much grass in anyone’s back yard!)
  • These are things young
    men and women didn’t see their parents fighting about, fights which
    puzzle and infuriate both of them. No wonder she cries quietly into the ironing
    and he has his so called crisis of masculinity. Once she went and did a course
    in Feminist Studies and Political Economy at university- today she may write
    those courses.
  • But this is not a crisis
    of masculinity; this is an opportunity for masculinity to grow.
  • Although the lofty offices
    on the marbled floors of the executive levels are still dominated by male
    executives and female assistants, news of the crisis of masculinity may well
    have reached here.
  • They too, will be noticing
    that younger male executives are more child-focussed than they were, more
    likely to have a career wife than they were and maybe even to wear exotic
    after-shave or enjoy cooking on the weekends.
  • This is not to say that
    alternative masculinities, such as the much-vaunted metrosexuality, are wide
    spread. As principals of boys-only schools observed in their submissions to
    the parliamentary inquiry, boys are much more likely to conform to a dominant
    form of masculinity than girls are to femininity- it seems to be more ok for
    girls to be different to each other.
  • Is this a crisis anyway,
    or just a change?
  • I suspect very often
    this so called crisis is in the eyes of their fathers and mothers rather than
    the young men themselves.
  • Young men might be enjoying
    this new found freedom from the tyranny of being sole provider.
  • Take the case of a middle-aged
    friend of mine who runs a large motor service and repair business. In his
    life time he has seen dozens of pimply youths with a love of cars and grease
    under their fingernails start out as apprentices and leave him for the challenge
    of a better job. Today, he says, they aren’t especially hungry for the
    overtime and, quote,
  • “they aren’t
    as ambitious as we were”. “Young men used to say, “I want
    your job”- now they say “I like my life the way it is thanks””.
  • At this point my twenty
    something daughter interrupted him to say

    • “no, that’s
      because they know we’ll go Dutch with them”
    • that new-age habit
      of going halves in the price of a night out.
  • And this is true. These
    boys have gone to co ed high schools with girl school captains, or competed
    against them directly. They go out with young women who work from the time
    they are at school, and may now earn even more than they do; the finger-nail
    biting pressure for young men to achieve is relieved. They know that when
    they marry or partner, she will kick in as much as he, she will work part-time
    when the children are young, if they decide to have children, and she will
    provide for her own old age.
  • He might even harbor
    a dream of working part time himself when the children need him. He might
    choose to partner with someone who does want the boss’s job, while he
    becomes the principle parent and home-maker.
  • What a blessed relief,
    young men might say.
  • Is this group in crisis,
    or is it just struggling, along with women, to find new and relevant rules
    for relationships- and no harm in that?
  • For that other group,
    of low achieving males, there are different problems and solutions.
  • We might need to change
    our approach to give marginalized teenage boys the chance of a real job suitable
    to their skills while they sort themselves out.
  • It might mean responding
    better to the cognitive development needs of boys.
  • It might mean better
    partnering and relationships education, and development of communication skills.
  • It certainly means better
    public policy.
  • One contribution the
    women’s movement made to public policy cannot be denied - it now requires
    that gender be factored in. Not always performed in practice, but certainly
    recognised as legitimate.
  • For some individuals
    it may be about the need to downsize their lives, cut their long working hours,
    reducing their need for more things and allowing more time for their children.
    For others it is about greater access to the world of work, to the goods and
    services, as well as the dignity and status, that it brings.
  • So is the answer to
    any of this, a men’s movement? I think not.
  • What we see of the so-called
    men’s movement today is often strident, often harking back to times
    lost rather than working with the future.
  • For example I have seen
    no coherent plan to address the educational needs of boys proposed by the
    men’s movement, although this remains the major source of many male
    problems today. Interestingly, many boys-only schools are making huge strides
    in addressing educational deficits, but I have seen none describe themselves
    as part of the men’s movement. Many academics are focussing on this
    issue and doing great work, but again most of them would not subscribe to
    the tenets of the men’s movement.
  • The question of whether
    or not we need a men’s movement to fix it does, I think, entirely miss
    the point. The last thing men need if indeed they are experiencing a crisis
    of masculinity is another war with women. If we are successfully to address
    the crisis of masculinity- and, for that matter, the greater poverty, violence
    and earnings disparities suffered by women- then what we need is a partnership
    , not a men’s or a women’s movement that treats
    the other as the enemy. In the case of the advancement of women and its many
    battles, there have always been women determined to punish men, but also men
    equally determined that women should suffer for daring to demand equality.
  • Similarly, a men’s
    movement would lead to more, not less, social division. Especially if it is
    driven by anger and sadness for what has been lost, rather than hunger for
    a better future. Men and women are the two faces on the coin of humanity;
    to deface either of them is to devalue humanity.
  • A partnership
    , by contrast, would be different - in tone, in approach.
    Naturally it would require a different sort of leadership, both at the political
    and community levels.
  • Inevitably it’s
    going to be more complicated and less spectacular than the glory and spoils
    of war, but it might be the only real choice if we are to resolve these issues.
    Unless of course, we really prefer the fight and getting even.
  • It also goes without
    saying that running a social change movement is often not much fun. Celebrity
    feminists like Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan or Naomi Wolf tend to be the
    exception. There are many others in the women’s movement, for example,
    who have suffered gaol terms, close encounters with public railings, no jobs,
    broken marriages, endless letter writing over nights in other people’s
    kitchens on battered typewriters- all as part of a pitifully under-financed
    struggle taking up infinite amounts of available leisure time for years.
  • The public thanks you
    get for it is to be called a man-hater, hairy legged, bitter, twisted, got
    no sense of fun and no wonder your kids have turned out badly. I don’t
    know if men would want much of that, apart from the hairy legs.
  • So rather than a men’s
    movement, this could be the Get a Life Movement.
  • A movement to recognize
    and manage technical and social change in a way that enhances, not diminishes,
    our happiness and contentment.
  • It is about kindness
    and respect, as well as about merit and achievement.
  • Perhaps most challenging,
    it is about real communication between men and women, both on day to day life
    and on ideological issues.
  • Ultimately it is about
    choice, real choice for men, as well as for women.
  • It is all that women
    have ever wanted, and it should be enough for men.

updated 23 April 2004.